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Avis Diamond Galleries

美国     收藏拍卖公司
As a fine jewel extraordinaire, Avi is involved with every stage of the fine jewel making process. Origination of sourcing, rendering design, cutting, polishing, and final setting of every piece. We hereby keep the family tradition of past generations to ensure our clients' satisfaction by standing behind what we sell.

Avis Diamond拍卖公司成立于1976年,从定制设计、钻石和宝石投资、铸件、古董,到拍卖服务以及矿业投资等,公司业务囊括了珠宝行业的所有服务领域。公司的旗舰总部设在纽约钻石城,负责批发以及零售。我们上市的产品,种类繁多,物尽其美。我们倾注一生,终年商务差旅以及谈判,积淀了丰富的行业经验,收获了很多珍藏品。我们诚邀您观临我们的网上瑰丽珠宝市场,我们的收藏品拥有美之神韵,极具投资价值,吸引了来自世界各地的买家。


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地址:71 W 47TH ST