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Bargain Hunt Auctions

澳大利亚     收藏拍卖公司
Bargain Hunt Auctions opened in November 2005. Now in their 11th year, Bargain Hunt Auctions is an icon! Being the only auction house in the area has attracted a large amount of interest from sellers and buyers alike.

Bargain Hunt Auctions sells antiques, industrial, French & rustic, 20th Century design, china, art, silver, jewellery, vintage tools, vintage toys, militaria, unusual treasures, collectables, oriental artefacts and quality general items.

Bargain Hunt拍卖行成立于2005年11月,据现在已有11个年头。Bargain Hunt是所在地唯一的拍卖行,吸引了大量的卖家和买家,成为当地偶像级拍卖行。

Bargain Hunt 拍卖行主要经营古董、工业品、法国乡村艺术品、20世纪设计艺术品、中国艺术品、银器、珠宝、古董器具、军用物品、奇特珍宝、收藏品、东方文物和一般物品。


0 场拍卖会

地址:16 Railway Parade