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美国     收藏拍卖公司
California Asian Art Auction Gallery USA is an emerging auction house established in 2012, but its roots goes far and beyond.
In 1998, the California Antique Art Center was found by a group of established Chinese art collectors and appraisers in Los Angeles, who specializes in Chinese ceramics, paintings, bronze, furniture, and jades. California Antique Art Center soon became a well-known Asian art gallery among Asian art collectors in Los Angeles and nation-wide.
In 2012, California Asian Art Auction Gallery USA was established, which specialized in Asian Art, especially Chinese Art.
Based in El Monte at East Los Angeles, California Asian Art Auction Gallery now offers more than four major Asian art auctions every year, and holds monthly or bimonthly estate and private collection sales, covering all areas of Asian art, including ceramics, jade, furniture, bronze, paintings, and other areas of interest.
With a deep understanding of the art market, California Asian Art Auction Gallery continues to excel at attracting the finest Asian works of art and achieving best results for our consignors. With over 17 years of professional experience and expertise, California Asian Art Auction Gallery remains the best place for people looking to buy and sell fine Asian works of art.

California Asian Art Auction Gallery USA(美國加州亞洲藝術品拍賣公司)成立于2012年,由資深美籍華裔收藏家創立,前身爲1998年在洛杉矶建立了加州藝術品收藏中心(California Asian Art Collection Center),專注于中國陶瓷、書畫、青銅器、家具和玉器的收藏研究,公司在悉心管理下很快成爲全美國著名的藝術機構。在此基礎上又成立了美國加州亞洲藝術品拍賣公司,專注于亞洲藝術品、尤其是中國藝術品的收藏和拍賣。拍賣公司總部位于洛杉矶每月舉辦資産和私人收藏品拍賣。美國加州亞洲藝術品拍賣公司以打造北美高端藝術品淘寶平台為目標,拍品涉及瓷器,玉器,青銅器,書畫,家具,文房四寶等亞洲古藝術品, 致力於為中國及海外藏家發掘在美寶藏。


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地址:2646 Durfee Ave, El Monte, CA 91776 USA