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Eins Auction

加拿大     收藏拍卖公司
With long history selling Asia antique in Toronto, we set up our own auction house "Eins Auction" last year. So Eins Auction is a young but experienced, innovative but respect tradition auction house serving the most discerning clients from all over the world. Since our first show-room auction last year, we can do much more today. We enhance our on-line service to offer our clients more opportunities to transact or communicate their collection no matter where and when they are. We are trying to change the old school auction style and bring the new world to the auction market.

凭借多年在加拿大多伦多经营亚洲古董艺术品的经验,我们去年成立了“Eins Auction”,因此Eins Auction是一家年轻但经验丰富、创新但尊重尊重传统的新兴拍卖行,为全球独具慧眼的客户藏家提供服务。随着去年首次举行现场拍卖,我们如今可以做的更多。我们不多扩大我们的线上服务,为我们的客户提供更多机会交流、交易他们的藏品,无论他们身处何时何地。我们致力于改变古老的拍卖方式,将拍卖市场带入新的世界。


0 场拍卖会

地址:30 Wertheim Court