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Hearne Southern Auction House

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Hearne Southern Auction House as an institution was founded by a family that committed itself initially to art education.

Hearne Southern Auction House was founded by Archie Hearne who has established a reputation in the art world for trust, integrity and business ethics.

The development of the auction business was undertaken to maintain a competitive edge in selling art, and continuing to propagate the notion that art is an essential part of our existence.

Art is not a luxury as many people think - It is a necessity. It documents history - to educate people and stores knowledge for generations to come ~Samella Lewis, PhD

Hearne Southern Auction House is committed to being a socially responsible entity. To this end we donate a percentage of our profits to non-profit educational institutions.

Hearne Southern Auction House拍卖行是一家家族式企业,成立之初的宗旨是为了传播艺术教育。

Hearne Southern Auction House拍卖行由Archie Hearne一手创立,其在艺术品市场凭借真实诚信和道德经营树立了良好的业内声望。


艺术品并不是许多人认为的奢侈品。事实上,它是一种必需品。艺术品承载着历史,能够教书育人,为我们下一代提供知识储备。--Samella Lewis, 哲学博士

Hearne Southern Auction House拍卖行致力于成为一家具有社会责任感的企业。为了实现这一理念,我们将拍卖行的部分收入捐助给非盈利性的教育机构。


0 场拍卖会

地址:1853 South Ringo