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I. M. Chait Gallery/Auctioneers

美国     收藏拍卖公司
Isadore M. Chait: Auctioneer - Appraiser - Asian Art Expert

Two years after he started selling Chinese antiques from his living room in 1967, Isadore Chait opened his first gallery of Asian Art. Today, I.M. Chait Gallery/Auctioneers has expanded into their 20,000 square foot facility and auction room, conducting 20+ auctions a year and is consistently referred to as the premier boutique auction house of Beverly Hills.

Isadore M. Chait: 拍卖师-鉴定师-亚洲艺术品专家

1967年,从事了两年的中国古董艺术品交易后,Isadore Chait成立了他的第一家中国艺术品商行。如今,I.M. Chait Gallery/Auctioneers已经扩大到拥有20,000英尺的展厅和拍卖行,每年都举办20场以上的拍卖会,一直被认为是比弗利山庄最顶尖的精品拍卖行。

His auctions of 500+ lots each have a remarkable sell-through rate average of 80-90%, with prices ranging from $100 to $1,000,000. While specializing in Asian Art and antiques I.M. Chait has expanded into jewelry, watches, fine art and even one of a kind fossils! Chait believes in demonstrating through the auctions that collectors do not need to pay extravagant prices for genuine art. As a result of his stellar widespread reputation, his expert advice is frequently sought by the most sophisticated art lovers, decorators, novice collectors and fellow experts alike.

Isadore Chait的每场拍卖会都展出超过500件拍品,每一场的成交率都高达80-90%,成交价格从100美金到1,000,000美金不等。经营亚洲古董艺术品的同时,I.M. Chait也广泛涉猎珠宝、手表、精美艺术品,甚至还有难得一见的化石!Chait坚持在拍卖中展出这些珍宝,藏家们就无需额外花费高昂的费用欣赏真正的艺术。鉴于Chait在业内德高望重的声望,各方人士包括艺术爱好者、设计师、新手藏家和专家同行都十分仰重他的专业建议。

According to Architectural Digest "Isadore Chait, specialist in Oriental sculpture and expert in gemology, has developed a worldwide reputation among museums and collectors, and is frequently consulted by both groups for authentication, market value and appraisals." He is a recommended appraiser for many museums, universities and government agencies, including the J. Paul Getty Museum, Pacific Asia Museum, Norton Simon Museum, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, University of California at Los Angeles, University of Southern California, Claremont University Center and the Consulate General of The Peoples Republic of China.

根据《建筑学文摘》评价:“Isadore Chait是一位东方雕塑和宝石专家,在全世界的博物馆和藏家心中享有至高名望,并经常接受来自各种组织团体、市场估值机构和鉴定机构的咨询。”Chait是各大博物馆、大学和政府机构首选推荐的鉴定师,包括保罗·盖蒂博物馆、亚太博物馆、诺顿西蒙博物馆、洛杉矶艺术博物馆、加州大学洛杉矶分校、南加州大学、克莱蒙特大学中心和中华人民共和国总领事馆。

He has served on panels of the Appraisers Association of America, as President of their Southern California regional office, and sits on the board of the Los Angeles Gem Council as well as numerous other professional associations. A member of many of the international appraisers' associations, Mr. Chait has been called on to write the tests qualifying other appraisers in his field.


Mr. Chait's expert advice on subjects ranging from Chinese porcelain, price fluctuations and appraisals is frequently published in many trade publications including a regularly featured column for The Journal of Antiques and Collectibles. Chait and his unique offerings sold at auction have appeared on most major cable and network news outlets including CNN, MSNC, CBS, NBC, ABC and Fox. Mr. Chait has also been featured in many prominent newspapers and magazines including, the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Los Angeles Times and Forbes.

Chait先生关于中国瓷器研究、收藏价格波动、藏品鉴定方面的专业意见常见发表于各大艺术刊物,例如《古董收藏品日报》专栏。Chait和他拍卖的独特藏品更是各大主流电视台争相报道的热点新闻,其中包括CNN, MSNC, CBS, NBC, ABC和Fox等电视媒体。Chait先生本人也是诸如《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》、《今日美国》、《洛杉矶时报》和《福布斯》等报刊媒体的座上常客。

Mr. Chait is also an accomplished Jazz singer and plays regular gigs with his quartet in his spare time and is completing his manuscript for a comprehensive guide to collecting Asian Art to be released next year.


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地址:9330 Civic Center Drive