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Munn Works

美国     收藏拍卖公司
Munn Works, LLC and its principals form a global company that manufactures fine mirrors and framed artwork specifically for the hospitality industry. Everything that Munn Works sets out to produce is a product of great history. The work of the Munn family, often referenced in industry texts and by museum curators, has always been the gold standard for the framing of mirrors and art. Consequently, our long experience in this industry is one of our most valuable assets. This heritage attracts talented people and differentiates us. Our goal is to contribute to the creation of what our design industry clients seek: manufacturing better framed mirrors on budget and on time.

Munn Works LLC作为一家跨国公司,主要为酒店行业生产精致镜子、镜框工艺品。每一件Munn制造均是伟大历史的产物,经常被博物馆馆长引用到行业教材之中,一直是镜框产品和艺术内的黄金标准。因此,行业内的长期经验是我们最有价值的资产之一,正是这一份资产使我们吸引到更多人才,使我们别具一格。我们的目标也就是我们设计领域的客户一直所追寻的:在固定预算与交期内,生产出最好的框镜。


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地址:150 N Macquesten Parkway