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Colasanti Casa d'Aste

意大利     收藏拍卖公司
Since the beginning of the 1960s Luigi Colasanti follows his passion in collecting art and founds his company "Luigi Colasanti D.I." His great knowledge and his experience led the company to expand and with its expansion the areas of interests are growing: Antique and modern silver, ivories, micromosaics, jewellery, furniture, old master, modern and contemporary art.
20世纪60年代初,Luigi Colasanti遵循对于艺术品收藏的爱好成立了自己的公司“Luigi Colasanti D.I.”。他对于艺术品渊博的知识和丰富的经验引领公司不断发展壮大,而他对于艺术品的兴趣领域也随之扩大:古典和现代银器、象牙、微马赛克、珠宝、家具以及名画、现当代艺术品等。

After completing her gemological studies in the end of the 1980s, one of the two daughters of Luigi, Raffaella Colasanti, opens a jewellery boutique in Via del Babuino, in Rome. Her areas of expertise are Vintage, Decò and Liberty, focusing especially on the 1940s. Francesca Colasanti, the younger daughter of Luigi Colasanti, works since many years in the art market and is specialised in silver, porcelain and works of art.
20世纪80年代末,Luigi Colasanti的长女Luigi, Raffaella Colasanti,在完成宝石学学业以后,在罗马巴布伊诺大道开了一间珠宝精品店。她主要研究古典珠宝、装饰珠宝等,尤其是20世纪40年代的珠宝。而Francesca Colasanti,他的幼女,有多年的艺术品领域工作经验,专攻银器、瓷器艺术品。

From 1991 "Luigi Colasanti D.I." participates in important National and International exhibitions of antiques, like the first edition of the Biennale "Antiquari del Mondo" in Rome, the "Gotha" in Parma, the "Artigiani del Mondo" in Turin and exhibitions in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Montecarlo.
自1991年起,Luigi Colasanti D.I.公司就不断参加各类重要的国内国际古董展会,比如在罗马举办的“Antiquari del Mondo”,在帕尔马举办的“Gotha”,在都灵举办的“Artigiani del Mondo”以及在迪拜、阿布扎比和蒙特卡罗举办的各种展会。

After many years of experience in the art market the two Colasanti sisters, Francesca and Raffaella, decide to use their knowledge of the antiques market to open the auctions house Colasanti in 2005. The auction house conducts an average of 4 auctions annually, which can be followed thanks to the "Live-service" of the internet platform from all over the world.

Today, the Colasanti Casa d'Aste is a company with economic success and a dynamic team of specialists, which offers also a valuation service for free. The experience of years and the close and trusting relationship with collectors and art lovers leads the auction house to be a growing company, balanced between tradition and modernisation.
如今,Colasanti Casa d'Aste已经是一家资金雄厚的拍卖公司,并拥有一只活跃的专家队伍。多年的经验加之与藏家和艺术爱好者亲密无间的关系使得拍卖行在保持传统与现代化的平衡下不断发展。

Also the third generation begins to take part in the traditional family business. The youngest son of Raffaella Tommaso and the eldest son of Francesca Giacomo are helping in their free time in the auction house and are already taken by the passion of the art and the art market.
家族第三代继承人也开始加入到这项家族事业中。Raffaella Tommaso最年轻的儿子以及Francesca Giacomo最年长的儿子在他们闲暇时间都会在拍卖行帮手,他们也已经被艺术品和艺术市场深深吸引。

This makes the Colasanti Casa d'Aste a unique and traditional family business.
这一切使得Colasanti Casa d'Aste成为一家独特且传统的家族企业。


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地址:Via Aurelia, 1249 - 00166 Roma