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Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf GmbH

德国     收藏拍卖公司
Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen auctions off classical works of art and antiques. Auctions take place in March and September of each year. Our yearly auction schedule also includes auctions of modern and contemporary art, and special auctions covering particular topics. Following the firm conviction that the knowledge of iconographic and historical relations supports the understanding of and access to current developments in the field of arts, our house particularly focuses on the connection of tradition and modernity. Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen is always at your service and is pleased to appraise antiques and artworks on the customer’s request. If required, we can also offer art-historical investigation and expertise for your items in individual cases. It is an important principle of our house to reject items with doubtful provenance or attribution. At Hargesheimer, the focus of activities is always on the customer. Whether they are selling a coffee cup or are the buyer of a valuable painting -- every customer is given the same attention and treated with the same respect. Serving as an interface between the seller and buyer, it is Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen’s business to represent the interests of both parties equally.

Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen拍卖行主营经典艺术品和古董,每年3月和9月各举行一场拍卖。我们的拍卖目录也包括现代和当代艺术品,以及特殊主题拍卖。秉持图像与历史知识能够促进对当代艺术领域发展的理解的理念,我们拍卖行尤其专注于传统与现代的结合。Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen始终为您服务,并十分乐意为客户提供古董艺术品鉴定。如有需要,我们还能为您的藏品提供艺术品历史调查和专家鉴定。拒绝来源可疑的赝品是我们的重要原则。在Hargesheimer,我们始终以客户为中心。不论是仅出售一个咖啡杯还是购买一副价值不菲的画作,我们对每一位客户都一视同仁,不区别对待。作为买卖双方的桥梁,代表双方的合理利益是Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen的职责所在。

地址:Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 11+12 D-40210 Düsseldorf Germany