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Henry's Auktionshaus AG

德国     收藏拍卖公司
HENRY’s Auktionshaus is located in the heart of Germany. Positioned on the “Deutsche Weinstra?e” east to France, easy to reach via motorway it is also near to the airports Frankfurt (north) and Stuttgart (south).
Founded as a family business in 1979, it is still running by the same managers Heidrun, Heinrich and Ralf H?ge.
Offering a first time guaranty to its buyers by expert opinions, HENRY’s Auktionshaus has developed very rapid. By producing monthly colored catalogues showing pictures as well as detailed descriptions of the goods being auctioned, the auction preview from home was born.
Today, HENRY’s Auktionshaus is offering a “roof” for around 20 specialized auction departments as well as all necessary logistic and service operations. The departments are leaded by self-employed long time experienced experts. Hundred thousands objects find their way year by year to collectors and enthusiasts all around the world. To prevent mistakes, more than 150 employees work within the three houses to keep it running smoothly. Specialized departments exist for jewels, watches, antiques, art, modern art, oriental carpets, classic and exclusive cars, porcelain and glass etc.

HENRY’s Auktionshaus拍卖行坐落于德国中心地带。位于“德国葡萄酒之路”上,东抵法国,临近高速公路,距离北边的法兰克福机场与南边的斯图加特机场都很近。

1979年作为家族企业诞生,如今任然由Heidrun, Heinrich和Ralf H?ge共同管理。

凭借其专业建议对客户提供首次担保,HENRY’s Auktionshaus拍卖行发展非常迅速。通过每月生产带图文及拍品详细描述的目录,诞生了拍卖会预展。

今天,HENRY’s Auktionshaus拍卖行为20多家专业的拍卖部门提供了一个“屋檐”以及必要的物流与服务运作。这些部门一直以来都由经验丰富的行业专家独自经营管理。成百上千件艺术藏品通过拍卖行抵达世界各地的收藏家及艺术品爱好者手中。为了防止出现错误,超过150名员工在3个拍卖行工作以保持正常经营。还有专门的拍卖部门,包括珠宝,手表,古董,艺术品,现代艺术品,东方地毯,古董及私人汽车,瓷器,玻璃制品等。

每个月超过50,000本拍卖目录将送给全球500,000位潜在的活跃的顾客。随着互联网越来越发达,在线参与竞拍观赏拍卖的藏品变得顺理成章。供货方青睐HENRY’s Auktionshaus拍卖行是因为其便捷的拍卖流程和快速的拍品支付方式。

除了拍卖行每年举办的120场经典拍卖会和20余场专门拍卖会之外,频繁拜访HENRY’s Auktionshaus拍卖行的另一个理由是因为拍卖行还开展日常零售,展会,预展以及其大范围涉足时尚行业。


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地址:An der Fohlenweide 10-14