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Il Ponte Casa D'Aste

意大利     收藏拍卖公司
Founded in 1974 by Stefano Redaelli, il Ponte has its historic offices and salesroom in Via Pontaccio 12 in the splendid frame of Palazzo Crivelli at the heart of Brera.
Il Ponte拍卖行成立于1974年,由Stefano Redaelli一手创立,其历史悠久的办公室和拍卖场位于Via Pontaccio 12,毗邻克里韦利宫,聚集在闻名全球的布雷拉艺术街区中心。

Since its first years of activity it has had important conferments such as Villa Borromeo in Senago, Castello Barattieri at San Pietro in Cerro, the legacy of Ing. Stampa to the Hospital of Sant'Anna in Como and to the Ca' Industria as well as the inheritance of Clown Grog.

The auction house is in constant growth and wishes to offer its customers, more and more numerous and prepared, a knowledgeable staff along with efficient services and competence. Il Ponte holds on average one auction per month and is therefore the most active on the Italian market.It handles sales for all kinds of collectibles for private clients as well as for public entities.
拍卖行在日渐发展壮大的过程中,培养了一批经验丰富、能力极强的专业员工,能够为客户提供全方位服务。Il Ponte每月举行一场拍卖会,是意大利艺术市场最活跃的拍卖行之一。拍卖行为私人藏家及大众买家提供门类丰富的艺术藏品,雅俗共赏。

Il Ponte is continuously evolving and developing to adapt to the new demands of the market and of customers and to increase its professional capacities.
Il Ponte拍卖行正在不断发展革新,以适应市场与客户日新月异的需求,同时提升自己的专业能力。


0 场拍卖会

地址:Via Pontaccio, 12