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澳大利亚     收藏拍卖公司

成立于1919年的  LEONARD JOEL「乐珘」是澳大利亚历史最悠久,也最重要的拍卖行,颇有英国和欧洲老牌拍行的底蕴。一百多年来,LEODARD JOEL 一直以严谨的态度服务于维多利亚美术馆 NGV,澳大利亚国家银行美术馆NAB ART GALLERY等国家艺术机构 ,也为皇室成员,社会名流,慈善家和收藏家们长期提供专业的艺术品交流服务,见证了澳大利亚历史,艺术与人文的百年沧桑。

澳大利亚与英国及欧洲国家的历史渊源为澳洲带来了亚洲艺术的源流,在中国艺术品在世界范围内收到热烈追捧的时代,海上贸易的繁荣使得许多重要的亚洲艺术收藏得以在澳洲留存,LEONARD JOEL 自上个世纪成立初始便开始经营和扩大亚洲艺术的规模,深耕本地市场,并与香港荷里活道和东南亚的许多古董商保持着密切的联系。其坐落于悉尼 Woollahra 的拍卖会场是著名的古建筑 The Bond,而墨尔本总部则在2024年迁入了美术馆级的「山楂林」新址,在澳大利亚各个主要城市设有常驻办公室,保持着对本地市场最具影响力的专业度和敏感度。

LEODARD JOEL 拍卖行拥有资深的艺术品专家及顾问团队,现亚洲艺术部主管由前纽约佳士得专家 Luke Guan 担任,驻悉尼顾问由前佳士得澳大利亚分部主管 Ronan Sulich 担任,日本器物专家由超过二十年经验,协助于首屈一指的日本古董商 Lesley Kehoe 的 Trevor Fleming 担任。


Established in 1919, Leonard Joel is Australia’s premier auction house; a marketplace for the rare, the beautiful and the extraordinary.
At the intersection of art, capital and people lies a peculiar economy where more often than not an auction house or similar market place resides. Stripped back to its essential parts an auction house is not a particularly remarkable enterprise. It receives property from sellers, makes a market for that property and distributes it to buyers willing to pay the highest price. A fairly simple process really. But move beyond the bare bones; add the human element, the sheer breadth of mediums, subject matter, scale and provenance, that by their nature imbue every object with personality and history and you have a fascinating economy that brims with beautiful things and interesting people.


0 场拍卖会

地址:2 Oxley Road,Hawthorn 3122