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Mega International Auction

美国     收藏拍卖公司
Mega International Auction was founded in 2012 at Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, by a group of experienced antique collectors and lovers fueled by the passion of Chinese history and culture, with support from local community leaders and antique collectors. In 2014, Mega International Auction expanded to Los Angeles, California, with the addition of Jewelry Department.

The founders of Mega International Auction have spectacular past antique auction results. In the religious statues category, one founder had an antique gilt bronze statue in the New York Christie’s Top 10 Price Realized List of 2011. In the teapot category, another founder’s ‘Qian Long Inscribed Poetry Zisha Teapot’ is number 6 overall in China Guardian Auction 2011 Top 10 Price Realized List, and number 1 overall if counting only teapots from 16th century and earlier.

Our goal is to become a top auction company specializing in Asian Antiques lasting generations. With over 30 years of experience and professional staff, we are committed to provide excellent service to our friends and customers worldwide.


美加古董珠寶拍賣公司成員對於中華古董藝術品的熱愛由來已久。其中,佛像類藏品曾被紐約佳士得收列為2011年 十大最具價值藏品(Top 10)之一;茶道類藏品也被中國嘉德名列為2011年十大最具價值藏品(Top 10)之 第六名(古壺單項類藏品第一名)。

展望未來,美加古董珠寶公司將秉承 “建立信譽優良的中華文化精品拍賣公司”的宏願,本著謹慎專業的態度,服務世界各地的朋友。與此同時,美加古董珠寶拍賣公司也將會提供自身數年來精心積攢的藏品提供大家交流拍賣,希望美加古董珠寶拍賣公司能攜手各界的朋友們共同進步,創造美好的未來。


0 场拍卖会

地址:36 Honors Course Dr.