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A pair of rare gold and silver-inlaid bronze corner fittings, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period
美国 北京时间
09月18日 晚上9点 开拍 / 09月16日 下午3点 截止委托
拍品描述 翻译
Lot Details Description (2) Width 8 in., 20.2 cm Condition report Provenance Sze Yuan Tang Collection. Bonhams Hong Kong, 24th November 2013, lot 465. European Private Collection. Catalogue note Superbly cast and sumptuously decorated in gold and?silver inlay, the present pair of?corner fittings?encapsulates not only the technological virtuosity of the bronze workshops in ancient China but also the peak of luxury design in the Warring States period. The L-shaped fitting depicts a pair of dynamic mythical beasts that is ingeniously joined at the muzzle, creating the illusion of a single animal when viewed from the pointed center. Each beast is portrayed powerfully striding forward, accentuated by the extensive use of curves in the fluid outlines of the muscular body – skillfully?echoed in the tail, wings, and horn, as well as the delicate inlays – in a way that juxtaposes with the?narrow?band at the top. Like most bronze animal-form?sculptures?from this period, the current corner fittings?had a practical function and were?most likely made as a set of four to serve as a corner support for a low table, vessel or tray for an elite or royal patron. See an elaborate?Warring States period?bronze lamp?supported by three?related?L-shaped?fittings, each modeled in the form of a bifurcated mythical beast,?excavated?from the tomb of King Cuo of Zhongshan at Pingshan county, Hebei province, exhibited in?Zhongshan fengyun. Guzhongshanguo wenwu yishu?/ The Cultural Relics and Art of the Ancient Zhongshan Kingdom, Shanxi Museum, Taiyuan, 2015, cat. no. 122. The placement of mythical beasts at the corners welcomes various angles of viewing and can be found from as early as the Shang dynasty; see two bronze vessels illustrated in?Zhongguo qingtongqi quanji?[Complete?collection?of Chinese bronzes], vol. 13,?Beijing, 1994, pl. 87, and vol. 1, Beijing,?1996, pl. 117. Very few related corner fittings of this type have been preserved.?Compare a silver-inlaid?example?formerly in the?Stoclet Collection, later entering?the collection of the late Sir Joseph Hotung, sold?in our Hong Kong rooms, 8th October 2022, lot 20; another gilt-bronze?fitting?without inlay, in the Hakutsuru Fine Art Museum, Kobe, published in?Hakutsuru eiga: hakutsuru bijutsukan meihin zuroku?[Selected masterpiece of Hakutsuru Museum], Kobe, 1978, pl. 33; and a third from the Idemitsu Collection, Tokyo,?illustrated in?Ancient Chinese Arts in the Idemitsu Collection, Osaka, 1989, cat. no. 262.? See also?four similar silver-inlaid?examples, which would have originally formed a set in the Warring States period. Two formerly in the collection of Stephen Junkunc III and now in the collection of Pierre Uldry, are illustrated in?Chinesisches Gold und Silber – die Sammlung Pierre Uldry, Museum Rietberg, Zurich, 1994, cat. no. 23; the third?sold at Christie's New York, 17th March 2017, lot 1009; and?the last?in the collection of Dr. Paul Singer is illustrated in Max Loehr,?Relics of Ancient China from the Collection of Dr. Paul Singer, Asia Society, New York, 1965, cat. no. 71. The style of the powerful?animal?depicted on the present fittings?resembles?the famous pair of?Warring States?bronze winged mythical?beasts unearthed from the royal tombs of the Zhongshan state, Pingshan county, Hebei province,?included in the exhibition?Treasures from the Tombs of Zhong Shan Guo Kings: An Exhibition from the People's Republic of?China, Tokyo National Museum, Tokyo,?cat. no. 43. See also a gilt-bronze terminal ornament made in the form of a beast head?with?similar features, in the?National Museum of Asian Art, Washington, D.C.,?exhibited in?Chinese Art of the Warring States Period. Change and Continuity, 480-222 B.C., Freer Gallery of Art (now the National Museum of Asian Art), Washington, D.C., 1982, pl. 25. Additional Notices & Disclaimers Because this lot was imported into the United States after September 1, 2020, it is subject to an import tariff of 7.5% of the value declared upon entry into the United States. The cost of the tariff, $9,375, plus applicable sales tax will be included on your invoice unless you instruct Sotheby's to arrange shipping of the lot to a foreign address. For more information on the import tariff, please review the Symbol Key in the back of the catalogue. If you have any questions, please contact?tariffs@sothebys.com.


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