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Withoutprejudice to the generality of the discretion and byway of example, we may:8.1.1 retain the Lot to investigate any question raised orreasonably expected by us to be raised in relationto the Lot; and/or8.1.2 deliver the Lot to a person other than you; and/or8.1.3 commence interpleader proceedings or seek anyother order of any court, mediator, arbitrator orgovernment body; and/or8.1.4 require an indemnity and/or security from you inreturn for pursuing a course of action agreed toby you.8.2 The discretion referred to in paragraph 8.1:8.2.1 may be exercised at any time during which wehave actual or constructive possession of theLot, or at any time after such possession, wherethe cessation of such possession has occurredby reason of any decision, order or ruling of anycourt, mediator, arbitrator or government body;and8.2.2 will not be exercised unless we believe that thereexists a serious prospect of a good arguable casein favour of the claim.9 FORGERIES9.1 We undertake a personal responsibility for anyForgery in accordance with the terms of thisparagraph 9.9.2 Paragraph 9 applies only if:9.2.1 your name appears as the named person towhom the original invoice was made out by us inrespect of the Lot and that invoice has been paid;and9.2.2 you notify us in writing as soon as reasonablypracticable after you have become aware thatthe Lot is or may be a Forgery, and in any eventwithin one year after the Sale, that the Lot is aForgery; and9.2.3 within one month after such notification hasAUS/NOB/MAIN/V1/9.2022been given, you return the Lot to us in the samecondition as it was at the time of the Sale,accompanied by written evidence that the Lot isa Forgery and details of the Sale and Lot numbersufficient to identify the Lot.9.3 Paragraph 9 will not apply in respect of aForgery if:9.3.1 the Entry in relation to the Lot contained in theCatalogue reflected the then accepted generalopinion of scholars and experts or fairly indicatedthat there was a conflict of such opinion orreflected the then current opinion of an expertacknowledged to be a leading expert in therelevant field; or9.3.2 it can be established that the Lot is a Forgery onlyby means of a process not generally accepted foruse until after the date on which the Cataloguewas published or by means of a process which itwas unreasonable in all the circumstances for usto have employed.9.4 You authorise us to carry out such processesand tests on the Lot as we in our reasonablediscretion consider necessary to satisfy ourselvesthat the Lot is or is not a Forgery.9.5 If we are satisfied that a Lot is a Forgery we will(as principal) purchase the Lot from you andyou will transfer the title to the Lot in question tous, with full title guarantee, free from any liens,charges, encumbrances and adverse claims, andwe will pay to you an amount equal to the sum ofthe Purchase Price, Buyer’s Premium, GST andExpenses paid by you in respect of the Lot.9.6 The benefit of paragraph 9 is personal to, andincapable of assignment by, you.9.7 If you sell or otherwise dispose of your interestin the Lot, all rights and benefits under thisparagraph will cease.9.8 Paragraph 9 does not apply to a Lot made upof or including a Chinese painting or Chinesepaintings, a motor vehicle or motor vehicles, aStamp or Stamps or a Book or Books.10 OUR LIABILITY10.1 We acknowledge that certain laws implyterms, conditions or warranties into contractsfor the supply of goods or services (includingthis agreement) that cannot be excluded. 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TheGlossary is to assist you to understand words and phraseswhich have a specific legal meaning with which you may notbe familiar.LIST OF DEFINITIONS“ABN” means the same as ABN means in the A New TaxSystem (Australian Business Number) Act 1999.“Auctioneer” the representative of Bonhams conducting theSale.“Bidder” a person who has completed a Bidding Form.“Bidding Form” our Bidding Registration Form, our AbsenteeBidding Form or our Telephone Bidding Form.“Bonhams” Bonhams 1793 Limited or its successors orassigns. Bonhams is also referred to in the Buyer’s Agreement,the Conditions of Business and the Notice to Bidders by thewords “we”, “us” and “our”.“Book” a printed book offered for sale at a specialist book sale.“Business” includes any trade, business and profession.“Buyer” the person to whom a Lot is knocked down by theAuctioneer. The Buyer is also referred to in the Contract of Saleand the Buyer’s Agreement by the words “you” and “your”.“Buyer’s Agreement” the contract entered into by Bonhamswith the Buyer (see Appendix 2 in the Catalogue).“Buyer’s Premium” the sum calculated on the Hammer Priceat the rates stated in the Notice to Bidders.“Catalogue” the Catalogue relating to the relevant Sale,including any representation of the Catalogue published on ourWebsite.“Commission” the commission payable by the Seller toBonhams calculated at the rates stated in the Contract Form.“Condition Report” a report on the physical condition of a Lotprovided to a Bidder or potential Bidder by Bonhams on behalfof the Seller.“Consignment Fee” a fee payable to Bonhams by the Sellercalculated at rates set out in the Conditions of Business.“Consumer” a consumer within the meaning of that term in theTrade Practices Act 1974.“Contract Form” the contract form, or vehicle entry form, asapplicable, signed by or on behalf of the Seller listing the Lotsto be offered for sale by Bonhams.“Contract for Sale” the sale contract entered into by the Sellerwith the Buyer (see Appendix 1 in the Catalogue).“Contractual Description” the only description of the Lot(being that part of the Entry about the Lot in the Cataloguewhich is in bold letters, any photograph (except for the colour)and the contents of any Condition Report) to which the Sellerundertakes in the Contract of Sale the Lot corresponds.“Description” any statement or representation in any waydescriptive of the Lot, including any statement or representationrelating to its authorship, attribution, condition, provenance,authenticity, style, period, age, suitability, quality, origin, value,estimated selling price (including the Hammer Price).“Entry” a written statement in the Catalogue identifying theLot and its Lot number which may contain a description andillustration(s) relating to the Lot.“Estimate” a statement of our opinion of the range withinwhich the hammer is likely to fall.“Expenses” charges and expenses paid or payable byBonhams in respect of the Lot including legal expenses,banking charges and expenses incurred as a result of anelectronic transfer of money, charges and expenses for lossand damage cover, catalogue and other reproductions andillustrations, any customs duties, advertising, packing orshipping costs, reproduction rights’ fees, taxes (including GST),levies, costs of testing, searches or enquiries, preparation ofthe Lot for sale, storage charges, removal charges or costsof collection from the Seller as the Seller’s agents or from adefaulting Buyer, plus GST if applicable.“Forgery” an imitation intended by the maker or any otherperson to deceive as to authorship, attribution, origin,authenticity, style, date, age, period, provenance, culture,source or composition, which at the date of the Sale had avalue materially less than it would have had if the Lot had notbeen such an imitation, and which is not stated to be suchan imitation in any description of the Lot. A Lot will not be aForgery by reason of any damage to, and/or restoration and/or modification work (including repainting or over painting)having been carried out on the Lot, where that damage,restoration or modification work (as the case may be) does notsubstantially affect the identity of the Lot as one conforming tothe description of the Lot.“GST” means the same as GST means in the A New TaxSystem (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999.“Guarantee” the obligation undertaken personally by Bonhamsto the Buyer in respect of any Forgery and, in the case ofspecialist Stamp sales and/or specialist Book sales, a Lotmade up of a Stamp or Stamps or a Book or Books as set outin the Buyer’s Agreement.“Hammer Price” the price in the currency in which the Saleis conducted (including GST, if any) at which a Lot is knockeddown by the Auctioneer.“Loss and Damage Warranty” means the warranty describedin paragraph 8.2.1 of the Conditions of Business.“Loss and Damage Warranty Fee” means the fee describedin paragraph 8.2.3 of the Conditions of Business.“Lot” any item consigned to Bonhams with a view to its saleat auction or by private treaty (and reference to any Lot willinclude, unless the context otherwise requires, reference toindividual items comprised in a group of two or more itemsoffered for sale as one Lot).“Motoring Catalogue Fee” a fee payable by the Seller toBonhams in consideration of the additional work undertaken byBonhams in respect of the cataloguing of motor vehicles and inrespect of the promotion of sales of motor vehicles.“Notional Charges” the amount of Commission and GSTwhich would have been payable if the Lot had been sold at theNotional Price.“Notional Fee” the sum on which the Consignment Feepayable to Bonhams by the Seller is based and which iscalculated according to the formula set out in the Conditionsof Business.“Notional Price” the latest in time of the average of the highand low estimates given by us to you or stated in the Catalogueor, if no such estimates have been given or stated, the Reserveapplicable to the Lot.“Notice to Bidders” the notice printed at the back or front ofour Catalogues.“Purchase Price” the Hammer Price.“Reserve” the minimum price at which a Lot may be sold(whether at auction or by private treaty).“Sale” the auction sale at which a Lot is to be offered for saleby Bonhams.“Sale Proceeds” the net amount due to the Seller from thesale of a Lot, being the Hammer Price less the Commission,any GST chargeable thereon, Expenses and any other amountdue to us in whatever capacity and howsoever arising.“Seller” the person who offers the Lot for sale named onthe Contract Form. 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The Seller is alsoreferred to in the Conditions of Business by the words “you”and “your”.“Specialist Examination” a visual examination of a Lot by aspecialist on the Lot.“Stamp” means a postage stamp offered for sale at aSpecialist Stamp sale.“Standard Examination” a visual examination of a Lot by anon - specialist member of Bonhams’ staff.“Storage Contract” means the contract described inparagraph 8.3.3 of the Conditions of Business or paragraph 4.4of the Buyer’s Agreement (as appropriate).“Storage Contractor” means the company identified as suchin the Catalogue.“Terrorism” means any act or threatened act of terrorism,whether any person is acting alone or on behalf of or inconnection with any organisation(s) and/or government(s),committed for political, religious or ideological or similarpurposes including, but not limited to, the intention toinfluence any government and/or put the public or any sectionof the public into fear.“Trust Account” the bank account of Bonhams into which allsums received in respect of the Purchase Price of any Lot willbe paid, such account to be a distinct and separate accountto Bonhams’ normal business bank account. “Website”Bonhams website at www.bonhams.com.“Withdrawal Notice” the Seller’s written notice to Bonhamsrevoking Bonhams’ instructions to sell a Lot.“Without Reserve” where there is no minimum price at whicha Lot may be sold (whether at auction or byprivate treaty).GLOSSARYThe following expressions have specific legal meanings withwhich you may not be familiar. The following glossary isintended to give you an understanding of those expressions butis not intended to limit their legal meanings: -“artist’s resale right”: the right of the creator of a work of artto receive a payment on Sales of that work subsequent to theoriginal Sale of that work by the creator of it as set out in theResale Royalty Right for Visual Artists Act 2009.“bailee”: a person to whom goods are entrusted.“indemnity”: an obligation to put the person who has thebenefit of the indemnity in the same position in which he wouldhave been, had the circumstances giving rise to the indemnitynot arisen and the expression “indemnify” isconstrued accordingly.“interpleader proceedings”: proceedings in the Courts todetermine ownership or rights over a Lot.“knocked down”: when a Lot is sold to a Bidder, indicated bythe fall of the hammer at the Sale.“lien”: a right for the person who has possession of the Lot toretain possession of it.“risk”: the possibility that a Lot may be lost, damaged,destroyed, stolen, or deteriorate in condition or value.“title”: the legal and equitable right to the ownership of a Lot.“tort”: a legal wrong done to someone to whom the wrongdoer has a duty of care.AUS/NOB/MAIN/V1/9.2022