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José Joya
香港 北京时间
09月25日 中午12点 开拍 / 09月23日 下午3点 截止委托
拍品描述 翻译
José Joya (Filipino, 1931-1995) Untitled 1957 signed and dated Joya 57 (lower right) oil on cardboard 36.4 x 25.4 cm (14 3/8 x 10 in) Footnotes Provenance Christie's Hong Kong, 26 November 2017, lot 461 Acquired from the above by the present owner Private collection, Europe 荷西?荷雅 無題 油彩 紙板 1957年作 簽名:Joya 57 (右下) 來源 香港佳士得, 2017年11月26日, 編號461 現藏家得自上述來源 歐洲私人收藏 José Joya was a pioneering figure in the development of Philippine Abstract Expressionism, who was posthumously awarded the title of National Artist of the Philippines. His cross-cultural academic background laid the foundations of his creative journey. In 1953, Joya graduated with a degree in Fine Arts from the University of the Philippines, where he received formal training in an academic style but was exposed to emerging artistic trends. In 1954 he received a grant to study in Madrid, and between 1956 and 1957, he pursued his master's degree at the Cranbook School of Art in Michigan on a Fulbright Smith-Mundt Scholarship. During this period abroad, he came across paintings by influential Abstract Expressionists such as Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning. Though deeply inspired by their non-figurative works, he was determined not to become a mere imitator, and instead, blended his own approach with Abstract Expressionism to develop a unique style. The resulting artworks exude energy, vitality, and a profound sense of spirituality. Joya employed a variety of techniques in his works, thus making his canvases become a space where emotions collide and where the intangible takes form. His use of impasto strokes builds texture, creating peaks and valleys that invite tactile exploration. Transparent layers intermingle, revealing hidden narratives - the artist's inner dialogue laid bare. Controlled drips throughout his works become a testament to the artist's spontaneity and dynamism. Another captivating feature of Joya's works is the bold and vibrant colour palette, reminiscent of the tropical hues of his native Philippines. Evoking the warmth of the sun, the rustling of leaves, and the scent of rain-soaked earth, Joya's art speaks a language beyond words - a symphony of chromatic notes. José Joya challenges convention in his abstract realm, encouraging the viewer to embrace the ineffable. As we gaze into his paintings, we catch a glimpse of eternity. Transcending time and foreign influences, they invite us to immerse ourselves in their vivid and mysterious depths. Saleroom notices Please note that the high estimate for this lot should read 120,000 HKD, not 1,200,000 HKD as indicated on the printed catalogue. For further information about this lot please visit the lot listing


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竞价区间 加价幅度
2,000 5,000 8,000
20,000 50,000 80,000

委托价 (已有0次出价)



拍品估价:70,000 - 120,000 港币 起拍价格:70,000 港币  买家佣金:
落槌价 佣金比率
0 - 400,000 28.00% + VAT
400,000 - 7,500,000 27.00% + VAT
7,500,000 - 50,000,000 21.00% + VAT
50,000,000 - 以上 14.50% + VAT


Bonhams HK
地址: Suite 2001, One Pacific Place 88 Queensway, Admiralty Hong Kong
电话: +852 2918 4321
邮编: 0


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