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PARK SOOKEUN (1914-1965) Playing Children, 1960
美国 北京时间
09月17日 晚上10点 开拍 / 09月15日 下午3点 截止委托
拍品描述 翻译
PARK SOOKEUN (1914-1965)
Playing Children, 1960
Signed in hangul on obverse Sookeun; signed in pencil on reverse in roman print Park SooKeun 1960 and in hangul, Park Sookeun, titled in hanja, Yudong
Oil on artist’s board; original frame
10 3/8 x 6 ? in. (26.4 x 15.9 cm.) picture
13 7/8 x 9 7/8 in. (35.2 x 25.1 cm.) with frame

PARK SOOKEUN (1914-1965) Playing Children, 1960 Signed in hangul on obverse Sookeun; signed in pencil on reverse in roman print Park SooKeun 1960 and in hangul, Park Sookeun, titled in hanja, Yudong Oil on artist’s board; original frame 10 3/8 x 6 ? in. (26.4 x 15.9 cm.) picture13 7/8 x 9 7/8 in. (35.2 x 25.1 cm.) with frame Acquired by Linwood L. Reed (1930-2017) in 1961 while staying at the Bando Hotel, Seoul, thence by descentAcquired from the above
拍品專文 Two children in traditional Korean clothing are seated likely in the marketplace. Monochromatic colors and a stable geometry of forms enhance the quiet dignity of these children, contributing to an underlying sense of melancholy. The grayish brown color and rough texture, achieved by mixing dry oil with dry material like rice chaff, resemble the granite found everywhere in the Korean countryside. The effect has a soothing, comfortable quality familiar to Koreans. Sookeun's paintings are unassuming and unpretentious, but it is these very qualities, combined with the abstract, simplified rendering of hardworking common folk that give Sookeun's works their timeless power and poetry. His subject matter resonates today with nostalgia for a lost era of Korean history. At the age of twelve, Park Sookeun encountered a reproduction of Millet's Angelus that made a profound impression on his artistic imagination. At eighteen, he won a prize in the Western Painting section of the 11th government-sponsored Joseon Art Exhibition for a watercolor of farmers in Spring. An oil version of this work gained him entry to the 18th Joseon Art Exhibition in 1939, when he was twenty-four. Self-tutored in art and with only an elementary-school education, Park committed himself to painting in the face of severe financial hardship. He took a job painting portraits of GIs at the PX of the US Eighth Army in 1952 because it paid better than his position as a middle-school art teacher. With his earnings he bought a tiny hut as a studio and continued to participate in sponsored exhibitions. By the mid-fifties his work was attracting a wider circle, including a UNESCO exhibition in San Francisco and group shows in New York and Tokyo. His career was cut short by his premature death from cirrhosis education, Park committed himself to paint Park Sookeun paintings are unique. His body of work is thought to be small, perhaps no more than four hundred paintings. Modest in scale, somber and roughly textured, they are at first glance unassuming and unpretentious. These very qualities, combined with the abstract, simplified rendering of his idyllic--now iconic--scenes of everyday life, give his work their power and poetry. Park's work was widely appreciated by Americans stationed in Seoul during the 1960s. Now it is prized by Korean private collectors and institutions and has toured the world in exhibitions of Korean modernism. Founded by an American, the Bando Gallery at the Choson Hotel near the American embassy began exhibiting his paintings in 1955, selling them for nominal sums to clients who were predominantly Americans. Since Christie's, New York, began selling the work of Park Sookeun twenty years ago, he has become the most sought-after modern Korean master.


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拍品估价:250,000 - 350,000 美元 起拍价格:250,000 美元  买家佣金:
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0 - 100,000 26.00% + VAT
100,000 - 6,000,000 20.00% + VAT
6,000,000 - 以上 14.50% + VAT


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