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尺寸:18.5×52 cm. 19.5×54 cm. 設色紙本?扇面二幅? 一九四三年作(蕭)、一九二一年作(金) 款識:(一) 蕭愻題:體仁大兄鑑正,癸未秋日,蕭愻寫。鈐印:蕭愻 (二) 金城題:泉經過雨流逾響,風入長松韻傳清。此是無絃琴上趣,北窗外聽子泉明。辛酉九月隱漁先生大雅正之,金城。鈐印:金城之印 XIAO XUN DWELLING IN PINE FOREST? JIN CHENG?PAVILION ON PINE MOUNTAIN Ink and colour on paper set of two fan face.