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尺寸:直徑 25 cm. / 17×52.5 cm. 設色絹本 / 設色紙本?團扇面、扇面各一幅 一八九三年作、一八八四年作 款識:(一) 小園風月不多寬,幾樹梅花開未殘。剝啄敲門嫌特地,緩携藤杖隔籬看。癸巳三月寫,墨井道人本,秋圃老農吳穀祥。鈐印:吳穀祥 (二) 橅墨井道人法,為再南士兄大人正之。甲申三月,吳穀祥。鈐印:吳穀祥 WU GUXIANG?SCHOLAR ADMIRING LANDSCAPE; PAVILION BY THE RIVER Ink and colour on silk / ink and colour on paper one round fan painting and one fan face.