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美国 北京时间
2018年04月21日 开拍
拍品描述 翻译
Approx. each: Height: 10 1/2" Width: 8 1/2"

From The Collections of Mike and Annie Gaither, US Navy 1959-1982. With a sense of duty for his country Mike joined the US Navy in 1959 the idea was to see the world and obtain an education that would propel his future. The opportunity to become part of the submarine fleet was compelling and once involved it became his career path of choice. In 1964 he married his lifelong partner Annie Nix. And to this day they are still happily married. While in the Navy he specialized in communication and electronic repair and was able to obtain the rank of Radioman Chief Petty Officer during his time in the service he supervised crews of up to 25 in high speed communications, repair and records and Department Chief coordinating 8 repair divisions. Analyzing commands to discover systemic difficulties and training to resolve difficulties. Additional fields include intercultural and race relations, Drug and Alcohol training. With a long career in the Navy his desire to visit many foreign countries was fulfilled. His desire to be a leader in the open markets directed his path into the pastoral leadership where he was able to train and work with people in Italy Guam Saipan, Northern Marianas Islands, Republic of Palau, with visits to such countries Germany, and Asian Countries. With the opportunity to be in such places also provided the knowledge and ability to obtain collectables from the area. Reaching a point where one feels that it is time to downsize and realign their assets this has opened the door for others to add these items into their private collection. The quality is exceptional, pristine and highly sought after. The Collections of Mike and Annie Gaither presented and offered up to auctions from Lot-140 through Lot-153, continued from Lot-268 through Lot-324, continued from Lot-415 through Lot-429, and Lot-439.

SET of 3 PCS Ming Dynasty Xuande period Chinese Tibetan gilt bronze Buddha, a Medicine Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha, and a Amitabha Buddha in formal figure: Medicine Buddha Bhaishajyaguru, Guru of Medicine in formal figure. Cast in formal in appearance, gazes forward with partially closed eyes and the blue hair on the head is piled in a tuft on top with a single gold ornament adorning the crown. Adorning the neck are two slightly curved lines. With pendulous earlobes. The right arm bare the hand is extended across the knee in gesture with palm upward holding a myrobalan fruit. The left hand resting on the lap performs the gesture of meditation with the open palm supporting a begging bowl. Across the left shoulder is an patchwork robe. A similar lower garment is tied at the waist with a sash. The legs are folded in vajra posture, right over left, above an oval double lotus throne. This large gilt bronze Buddha characterized with painted seeing eyes and the pendulous earlobes. Extensive trace of gilt remain on surface. The underside with incised Quatre-foil flori-form petals visvavajra mark surrounded the centralized DaiJi. The upper facade of throne seat bear six incised characters in KaiShu script reign mark, Made In The Year of Emperor Xuande Reign Period of The Great Ming. Ming Dynasty Xuande period Chinese Tibetan gilt bronze The Amitabha Buddha in formal figure. Delicately cast seated in dhyanasana on a double-lotus base with both hands on lap facing upward, performs a graceful mudra indicating full meditation, Dhyasana-mudra. Clad in a diaphanous sanghati with plain hems, the face with serene expression, the ushnisha topped with a knop. These Buddha are represented in simple attire, without jewelry or any other adornment. This large gilt bronze Buddha characterized with painted seeing eyes and the pendulous earlobes. Extensive trace of gilt remain on surfaces, with hints of blue pigment on ushnisha. The underside with incised Quatre-foil flori-form petals visvavajra mark surrounded the centralized DaiJi. The upper facade of throne seat bear six incised characters in KaiShu script reign mark, Made In The Year of Emperor Xuande Reign Period of The Great Ming. Ming Dynasty Xuande period Chinese Tibetan gilt bronze Shakyamuni Buddha. Cast in formal in appearance, gazes forward with partially closed eyes and the blue hair on the head is piled in a tuft on top with a single gold ornament adorning the crown. Adorning the neck are two slightly curved lines. With pendulous earlobes. The right arm bare the hand is extended across the knee in gesture with palm inward touching the earth. The left hand resting on the lap performs the gesture of meditation with the open palm upward. Across the left shoulder is an patchwork robe. A similar lower garment is tied at the waist with a sash. The legs are folded in vajra posture, right over left, above an oval double lotus throne. This large gilt bronze Buddha characterized with painted seeing eyes and the pendulous earlobes. Extensive trace of gilt remain on surface. The underside with incised Quatre-foil flori-form petals visvavajra mark surrounded the centralized DaiJi. The upper facade of throne seat bear six incised characters in KaiShu script reign mark, Made In The Year of Emperor Xuande Reign Period of The Great Ming.


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拍品估价:3,000 - 5,000 美元 起拍价格:1,500 美元  买家佣金:
落槌价 佣金比率
0 - 100,000 25.00%
100,000 - 1,000,000 20.00%
1,000,000 - 以上 15.00%


Lauren Gallery
地址: 1050 Northfield Court Ste 125
电话: +1 (678) 731-7050
邮编: 30076


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