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Steiff "Golden Age Of The Circus" Lion: Description: A lion, within a decorated old time wagon. Including original box, wagon set, and certificate in very good condition. Numbered #0100/87, circa 1987. Dimensions: Box 14 1/2" X 11" X 8 1/2" Peter Consalvi was the Mid Atlantic sales rep for Stieff during the 1990's.
These items are from his personal collection and have never been taken out of the box.
He has written two Stieff collector's guides.Shipping: We are able to pack and ship this item to an address in the United States for $50.00 via USPS Priority Mail or via FedEx Ground/Home Delivery. Tracking information will be sent to your email address. This price does not include insurance. If you require insurance you will need to ship through a third party. Please inquire about international shipping costs.