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美国 北京时间
2016年04月09日 开拍
拍品描述 翻译
A VERY FINE AND RARE PAIR TIAN MARK WINE CUPS OF CHINESE QING DYNASTY ANHUA-TIAN Mark Porcelain Wine Cups, thinly fine potted, of inverted bell form, slightly flared to the rim, with raised on footed ring. The body delicately carved under the white under glaze. Have even tone translucent with the 'hiding' mark. Mark on base, Four seal script -ZhuanShu- Characters, seen under the light, YongLe Reign Period and of the period. Dimension(each): 1-3/4" H x 2-3/8" Diam. LOT NOTES The beautiful white glaze on this vase is of a type known as tianbai 'sweet white'. The YongLe emperor had a particular fondness for white - especially white jade and white porcelain. It is probably this imperial preference that inspired the development of the so-called tianbai glaze. This glaze has a rather different appearance to that of earlier white glazes. The tianbai glaze has virtually none of the bluish or greenish tinge, which was seen on the earlier QingBai and Shufu glazes made at Jingdezhen in the Song and Yuan dynasties. It was made almost entirely from glaze stone with little or no glaze ash. The glaze was lower in calcium oxide than earlier white glazes, and was higher in potassium oxide. The body of tianbai wares had a higher proportion of aluminum oxide than previous Jingdezhen porcelains and required a higher firing temperature. The result of these changes in composition and firing was a whiter body covered with a purer white glaze than had previously been achieved. The texture of the glaze was also different to that of previous Jingdezhen white wares. The glaze had a silky, unctuous texture, with none of the glassiness seen on QingBai wares. The glaze contained many tiny bubbles, densely distributed in the glaze, which scattered the light as it passed through, imparting an almost jade-like quality. The tiny bubbles which burst on the surface of the glaze also created tiny pin-prick holes, and gave the surface its subtle, characteristic, 'orange-peel' effect. Research by the Chinese scholar Liu Xinyuan has revealed that this glaze was not known as tianbai in the 15th century (Liu Xingyuan in Imperial Porcelain of the YongLe and XuanDe Periods Excavated from the Site of the Ming Imperial Factory at Jingdezhen, op. cit., p. 71-2). Liu discovered that it was not until the late 16th century that Huang Yizheng in his Shiwu gan zhu, published in the 19th year of the WanLi reign (AD 1591) used the phrase zong yan tian bai. It seems likely that by zong yan, which literally means 'bristle holes', he meant the tiny little pin-prick holes left by the burst bubbles on the glaze surface. Presumably the author was likening these tiny holes to those that might be left if the ends of single hairs were pressed into the surface. Liu also draws an interesting parallel between the use of the term tianbai, sweet white, and the discovery of a method for making white sugar at some point in the JiaJing reign (1522-66). This discovery is noted in a Qing dynasty publication Hexiangguan suo yan, a miscellany by Ding Guojun. Liu suggests that as white sugar, as opposed to dark sugar, was a relatively new phenomenon and was a fashionable condiment in the late 16th century, Huang Yizheng may well have been inspired to use it as a reference for the greatly admired white glaze. Liu Xinyuan has also noted that imperial admiration for white porcelain continued into the early part of the XuanDe reign (See discussion ibid., p. 70). Liu believes that white wares were probably still predominant in the early part of the reign and cites Korean archives (Li Chao shi lu) relating to the gifts brought by Chinese imperial envoys to the Korean court in 1428 and 1429. The first gift consisted of equal numbers of white-glazed and blue and white porcelains, while the second gift consisted of white porcelains for fifteen table settings. Imperial gifts bestowed on honored Chinese subjects also included white porcelain in the early XuanDe period, as in the case of Yang Rong, who, according to his selected writings in Yang Wenmin Gong Ji, received in 1426 not only writing implements used by the emperor himself, but also a variety of white porcelain vessels. Four years later the emperor bestowed upon Yang gifts of 'platinum, pearls, cash and white porcelain ...'. These records seem to confirm Liu Xinyuan's view that the refined tianbai glaze, developed in the reign of the YongLe Emperor, continued to find considerable favor with his successor.
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拍品估价:400 - 600 美元 起拍价格:200 美元  买家佣金:
落槌价 佣金比率
0 - 50,000 24.00%
50,000 - 1,000,000 21.00%
1,000,000 - 以上 18.00%


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邮编: 30066


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