Letter with calligraphy art in Chinese ink by “Qi Baishi”(AD 1864—1957)- China – first half 20th century.
This letter was Letter with calligraphy art in Chinese ink by “Qi Baishi”(AD 1864—1957)
Original letter paper and wrote , signed by the artist .
The important thing was to tell “Zhonghua Book Company “ in his letter about
copyright in common.
Length : 32 cm
Width : 22 cm
“Qi Baishi” who born in Changsha City of Hunan Province, China, Han Nationality, is a well-known and very important Chinese painting artist, calligrapher, educator, and an outstanding seal-cutting artist.
Qi Baishi, Xiangtan people, ten artists of the twentieth century, the world cultural celebrities. Qi Baishi's style of painting often leaves the audience guessing and
makes them use their imagination. In the last few years Qi's artworks have sold
for nearly as much as more established household names, such as Pablo Picasso
and Andy Warhol.
齊白石(AD 1864—1957),出生在湖南省长沙市,中国,汉族,是中国著名国画家,书法家,教育家,也是一位杰出的篆刻艺术家。