Description: A Qing Dynasty Kangxi Period Blue-and-white Bowl (Ming Dynasty Xuande Mark) 中国清朝康熙青花龙纹花口碗(大明宣德年制款) H95 D195mm This bowl has a unique shape, which has a flower trim mouth decorated with wave pattern, thin body and high foot, white glazed and decorated with blue-and-white panels. Fish jumping out of wave is painted in the interior middle of the bowl. The exterior consists of three dragons chasing flaming pearl and 16 lotus flower panels in blue and white. Three pearl chasing dragons are followed by each other, their limbs are stretching forward, the claws are sharp and sturdy. There is a blue-and-white Ming Dynasty Xuan De mark on the bottom of the vase. 此碗造型别致,为花口,薄胎,高足。胎骨坚实细腻,胎釉浆白滋润。碗心绘老鱼跳波(李白诗词),鱼身大半跃出水面,强劲有力,弓身甩尾,碗口有海浪纹一圈。外部以青花绘三龙逐珠和16荷花花瓣开光片组成。龙线条舒展劲健,须发鳞片均描绘得一丝不苟,张口怒目,威武健壮,神采飞扬,栩栩如生,描绘得极为精细,显示出官窑瓷器精湛细腻的工艺,给人气势磅礴之感,开光内绘有不同两组花卉海浪图。青花发色淡雅,白釉底,署 “大明宣德年制” 青花款。实属少见,不容错过之精品。