Description: A Early Republican-era Blue-and-white Brush Pot with bird and flower pattern (Wangbu signature) 中国民国早期青花花鸟笔筒(王步款) H116 D68mm Mr Wang Bu, alternative name Zhuxi, is a very famous modern ceramic artist. He has excellent craftsmanship, known to people as the "King of Blue and White ". His artistic innovation and achievements have made him a milestone in the history of the development of Chinese Blue-and-white porcelain, which has had a tremendous impact on the development of the new Chinese Blue-and-white porcelain. Museums and collectors have collected his works all over the world. His has works become the representative of blue and white porcelain works. This brush pot is cute and elegant. Nicely white glazed with a drawing of a bluebird sitting on the branch. The blue-and-white painting and the rendering are all wonderful. Especially the feathers, drawn delicately and very detailed, it makes it look very vivid. It's overflowing with Wang Bu's drawing style. The overall composition is stable; the shape is simple; the ink is thick, heavy, and light phase infiltrated. The lines show the drawer is full of consideration. Wang Bu's work signatures include "Zhuxi", "Wang Bu", "Master of Lake Fengcheng Chang", "Zhuxi Dao Ren", "Zhuxi Blue-and-white Ceramic craftsman". There are also many works without signatures, but with distinctive recognition of his work. This beautiful and elegant brush pot signature is "Wang Bu", granting it with a high reserve value. 王步,号竹溪,斋名愿闻吾过之斋,是民国时期著名的陶瓷艺术大家。他技艺精湛,被人们尊称为“青花大王”,亦是中国青花瓷发展史上的里程碑式人物,对新中国青花瓷的发展产生了巨大的影响。他的作品被国内外博物馆、收藏家所珍藏,并在国内外书刊上广为发表,成为青花瓷经典。 此花鸟笔筒造型可爱隽雅,釉汁莹润洁白,一鸟栖于枝头,意境幽雅,青花绘画、渲染均得其妙,尤推翎羽,细腻如真,颇见质感,洋溢出浓厚的王步绘制风格。整体构图稳健,形态精简而意远,墨韵浓、重、焦、淡相渗叠,线条中显出用笔凝炼和沉健,寓意超脱世外之感,独步天下。王步的作品常见落款有“竹溪” 、 “王步” 、 “丰城长湖主人” 、 “竹溪道人” 、 “竹溪陶青老人” 等,亦有许多作品无款,但是辨识度非常高。此笔筒的落款为 “王步” ,精致优雅,收藏价值颇高。