Description: An Early 20th Centry Red Glazed Bottel Vase with Eight Immortals and Chinese calligraphy pattern (Qing Dynasty Qianlong Mark) This red glazed bottle vase has a slender neck, slanting shoulders and a round body. There is a Qing Dynasty Qian Long Period mark in blue and white on the bottom of the vase. The body covered in delicate red glaze. The Eight Immortals in famille rose are separated into two groups. The paintings of characters and animals are meticulous; the lines are smooth and fluent. The Eight Immortals stand for auspicious. The vase is a rare piece of exquisite, worthy of being collected. 中国20世纪中早期八仙人物书法红彩天球瓶(大清乾隆年制款) 此八仙人物天球瓶,直颈,球形腹, 瓶底有青花大清乾隆年制款。该瓶体通身红釉,粉彩为饰。外壁以工笔绘粉彩八仙图,线条婉转流畅,毫无犹豫之笔,人物、动物之描画皆一丝不苟,笔触精细,精美绝伦,足见艺人画工之精湛。八仙寓意吉祥喜庆。该瓶器型中等, 陈设性强,是十分难得的一件精美器物,值得收藏。 H315 D200mm