Description: A Qing Dynasty Blue-and-white Famille Rose Hexagonal Shape Vase This Blue and White Gilding famille rose Hexagonal Shape Vase is from Qing dynasty Qianlong period. Bell mouth, slim neck, flat elliptical abdomen, flat hexagonal ring bottom. The whole body is decorated with blue and white flowers. The mouth is painted with two lines of floral patterns. The neck and the abdomen are symmetrically framed with a western rose pattern. There are two blue-and-white bats outside the frame, and four bats painted inside surrounding the gold bustling flower basket. There are also three sets of blue and white painted on each side. The foot is decorated with blue and white flower patterns, and the foot is white glazed. The shape of this bottle is beautiful; the whole body is fine white glazed, the colour is bright in the contrast of blue and white. Fine stains can be seen in the thick colour, which is also a favorite collection. 中国清朝乾隆青花加彩六棱扁瓶 此青花加彩描金六棱扁瓶,清乾隆。瓶喇叭口,细颈,扁椭圆腹,扁六棱形圈足。通体以青花为饰,口沿绘两圈花卉纹,颈部和腹部两面对称开光,颈部开光内彩绘有西洋玫瑰图案,外有两只青花蝙蝠合抱,腹部开光内彩绘描金繁华花篮外有四只蝙蝠合抱,两侧各绘三组青花。足墙绘青花花卉纹,足底施白釉。 此瓶造型秀美,胎体洁白,加彩部分泽艳丽,青花对比强烈,色重处可见细密的斑痕,亦是收藏之佳品。 D135 H295mm