Description: A Qing Dynasty Kangxi Period Famille Verte Lidded Jar This jar has an arched lid, a red plum blossom to the middle of the knob. The jar glazed white on the interior and decorated with butterfly and flower famille verte design on the green exterior. There are four panels paint of antique patterns. The lid is moulded with the same design and a border of Lingzhi lappets above the foot. 中国清朝康熙五彩盖盅 此盖盅拱形盖,盘口,鼓腹直下收于足,圈足。钮心绘有矾红梅花。盖盅通身绘有绿底蝶恋花纹,盅盖与碗身分别设置有四处开光,内绘有白底五彩博古纹饰。盅身上下各有一圈八宝和灵芝纹。此盖盅器型小巧典雅,色彩艳丽,是不可多得的佳品, 值得收藏赏玩。 H80 D80mm