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Buddha .
西班牙 北京时间
2020年05月11日 开拍
拍品描述 翻译
Description Buddha . Sri Lanka période de Kandy 18ème siècle. Fonte de Bronze à cire perdue Ht 46 cm Son travail représente l'imagerie du Bouddha de la période Kandyan à son meilleur. Robuste figuration glorifiant le Bouddha debout en posture hiératique, au visage éclairé de béatitude, les mains en ? Abaya et varada Mudras ? ici convention qui a persisté tout au long de la période de Kandy, enveloppé dans une robe monastique ? Uttarasangha ? moulante, qui épouse son physique puissant et idéalisé, couvrant son épaule gauche d’une étoffe finement plissée de sillons ondulés et qui scintillent et imitent les plis d'un fin ? toile d’araignée ? sous le climat tropical du Sri Lanka. La main levée de Bouddha offre un geste de réconfort et d’absence de crainte pour se réfugier dans ses enseignements ? abhaya mudra ?,ciselé à l’intérieur de ses paume d’un symbole bouddhiste des marques auspicieuses ? lakshana ? symbolisant la durable capacité de chaque être à s'élever au-dessus des "eaux boueuses" de sa naissance et à se libérer du cycle de la renaissance ? samsara ? et de la souffrance inhérente du cycle infernal des renaissances. Bouddha est coiffé de boucles soignées se terminant par un important ? Rasmi ? flamme audacieuse s'élevant de sa tête comme un phare de sa sagesse éclairée. Référence : Von Schroeder, Bouddhiste Sculptures in Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, 1990, p. 531, no. 168G ; et Phoenix Art Museum, Guardian of the Flame, Phoenix, 2003, p. 147. Provenance Collection privée. Condition Report During this confinement period, EXPER ANTIC undertakes to do everything in its power to send the paid lots as soon as possible. In advance, we apologize for any delays. Thank you for your understanding. Durant cette période de confinement, EXPER ANTIC s’engage à mettre tout en ?uvre pour envoyer les lots payés aussi vite que possible. D’avance, nous nous excusons pour les éventuels retards. Merci de votre bonne compréhension. Literature The history of Asian art, or Eastern art, includes a vast range of influences from various cultures and religions. Developments in Asian art historically parallel those in Western art, in general a few centuries earlier. Chinese art, Indian art, Korean art, Japanese art, each had significant influence on Western art, and, vice versa. Near Eastern art also had a significant influence on Western art. Excluding prehistoric art, the art of Mesopotamia represents the oldest forms of Asian art. Chinese art is visual art that, whether ancient or modern, originated in or is practiced in China or by Chinese artists. The Chinese art in the Taiwan and that of overseas Chinese can also be considered part of Chinese art where it is based in or draws on Chinese heritage and Chinese culture. Early "stone age art" dates back to 10,000 BC, mostly consisting of simple pottery and sculptures. After this early period Chinese art, like Chinese history, is typically classified by the succession of ruling dynasties of Chinese emperors, most of which lasted several hundred years. Chinese art has arguably the oldest continuous tradition in the world, and is marked by an unusual degree of continuity within, and consciousness of, that tradition, lacking an equivalent to the Western collapse and gradual recovery of classical styles. The media that have usually been classified in the West since the Renaissance as the decorative arts are extremely important in Chinese art, and much of the finest work was produced in large workshops or factories by essentially unknown artists, especially in the field of Chinese porcelain. Much of the best work in ceramics, textiles and other techniques was produced over a long period by the various Imperial factories or workshops, which as well as being used by the court was distributed internally and abroad on a huge scale to demonstrate the wealth an


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Exper Antic
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