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Oil painting Dense forest Konstantin Pavlovich Golovkin
美国 北京时间
2021年01月30日 开拍
拍品描述 翻译
*** ABOUT THIS PAINTING *** * TITLE: "Dense forest" * ARTISTS: Konstantin Pavlovich Golovkin * SIZE: 48х70 cm/'18.89х27.55 inches' * MEDIUM: oil, canvas * HAND PAINTED: Original painting from our collection * CONDITION: good condition, you can see all edges, corners and the back side of the painting on the photos About the artist: Samara merchant, artist, local historian, archaeologist, cultural figure. Owner of the first car in Samara. Amateur photographer. The owner of an art store, a publisher of postcards with views of Samara, Volga, Lada. Born in Samara in a merchant family. He studied drawing in a real school with N.A. Khramtsova (approx. 6 classes). In 1891, with F.E.Burov, he organized the Samara circle of art lovers, participated in exhibitions, showing about 170 of his works from 1891 to 1916. G. - the founder of the Samara landscape school of painting. He initiated the creation of an art department at the Samara Public Museum (1897), drawing up an appeal to Russian artists with a call to transfer works for the new department. In 1908-09, according to his project (with the participation of the architect V.V. Tepper), he built the “Cottage with elephants” in the Art Nouveau style on the Volga. In 1918, fearing reprisals, he left Samara with his family in Irkutsk. In December 1918 - January 1919 he traveled to Manchuria and Japan, where he collected works of art for the Samara Museum. In 1922 he returned to Samara, transferring a collection of oriental art, archaeological and ethnographic finds to the museum. In the last years of his life, he worked as an archivist in the Samara provincial archive. The SCM stores 5 paintings by G.: “The Last Snow. Osokori ”(1895),“ Crossing in the Lada ”(1901),“ Winter Sun ”(1906), etc., as well as an album of studies and a folder of drawings donated by the author. Field of activity: Trade: at the age of 31, he inherited a store from his father and declared himself a merchant of the second guild in Samara. In the company store of Konstantin Golovkin on Panskaya Street (Leningradskaya 34), there was everything necessary for drawing and painting. By 1917, Golovkin’s fortune was estimated at 2 million rubles — a huge sum, meanwhile. However, his commercial activities are only a small part of Golovkin's life. And not the most important thing for him. It is known that Konstantin began to draw, still not knowing how to speak. He managed to draw on everything that fell under his hands - on the floor, on the walls, on fences, on the ground - with chalk, charcoal, pencil, paints. As a child, working in a store, every free minute Konstantin ran away to draw on the Volga. He turned to the Volga landscapes throughout his life. By the age of twenty, Konstantin Golovkin was already known as a good painter, and in adulthood he became one of the greatest artists of Samara. During his not very long life, he wrote more than two hundred large canvases and made about two thousand drawings and sketches. Golovkin tried almost all known methods of painting. He painted with pencil, pastel, watercolor, ink, oil, made engravings, was fond of artistic coinage for metal, was engaged in artistic applications and modeling, created a unique album of vignettes. He never parted with a pencil and an album. From 1891 to 1916, Golovkin arranged 19 exhibitions at which he showed 170 works. Charity: In 1897, the City Public Museum in Samara received a separate room and the opportunity to deploy a solid exhibition. But the museum did not have an art department. The initiator of its creation was Konstantin Pavlovich Golovkin. Together with the mayor, Pyotr Aleksandrovich Arapov sent hundreds of letters to the most famous Russian artists with a request to donate his works to the Samara Museum. About twenty painters who sent as a gift to the museum their canvases and drawings responded to these letters. The collection of the art department by 1911 already totaled more than a hundred works of art, including paintings by the wonderful masters Boris Kustodiev, Vasily Perov, Mikhail Nesterov, Konstantin Yuon. Over time, Golovkin himself transferred here his new paintings and studies. And besides, he later transferred here his unique collection of coins and many other items. In the 30s of the XX century, the art department stood out as an independent Samara Museum of Art, the founder of which can rightly be considered Konstantin Pavlovich Golovkin. For ten years, Konstantin Pavlovich "punch" in the City Duma the idea of ??creating the Palace of Science and Art - with a library, art museum, rooms for scientific studies and even an observatory. Entrance here was supposed to be made free. Golovkin was ready to transfer 600 thousand rubles for the creation of the Palace. With the only condition - to give him the opportunity to occupy the post of curator in the art museum. The idea was not implemented. Moreover, Konstantin Pavlovich came under secret police surveillance for freethinking.


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