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Portrait of Mary Harvey, Lady Dering (1629-1704), three-quarter length, wearing a brown dress beneath a gold fringed cloak
英国 北京时间
2021年03月24日 开拍 / 2021年03月22日 截止委托
拍品描述 翻译
Description Thomas Hawker active 1680 - 1700 Portrait of Mary Harvey, Lady Dering (1629-1704), three-quarter length, wearing a brown dress beneath a gold fringed cloak inscribed?upper right: Mary Harvey Wife of Sr / Edward Dering Bart. / obt?1703. oil on canvas 126.5 x 101.5 cm. Condition Report To request a condition report for this lot, please email oldmasterconditionreports@sothebys.com. "In response to your inquiry, we are pleased to provide you with a general report of the condition of the property described above. Since we are not professional conservators or restorers, we urge you to consult with a restorer or conservator of your choice who will be better able to provide a detailed, professional report. Prospective buyers should inspect each lot to satisfy themselves as to condition and must understand that any statement made by Sotheby's is merely a subjective, qualified opinion. Prospective buyers should also refer to any Important Notices regarding this sale, which are printed in the Sale Catalogue. NOTWITHSTANDING THIS REPORT OR ANY DISCUSSIONS CONCERNING A LOT, ALL LOTS ARE OFFERED AND SOLD AS IS" IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS PRINTED IN THE SALE CATALOGUE." Literature Inventory, 1749, in the withdrawing room; Inventory, 1849, p. 5, in the dining room; Catalogue of Portraits, 1920, no. 26; A.T. Bolton, ‘Mersham le Hatch’,? Country Life, 26 March 1921, photographed in?the hall, p. 370;? H. Avray Tipping, 'Mersham le Hatch',? Country Life, 8 August 1925, in situ, p. 219; H. Avray Tipping, English Homes, Late Georgian, 1760-1820, London 1926, in situ, p. 124; E. Dering, The diaries and papers of Sir Edward Dering, Second Baronet, 1644 to 1684, M.F. Bond (ed.), London 1976, p. 5, under footnote 8 ('18 October 1683, paid Mr Hawker for my wife's picture, £15'), reproduced fig. 3; C. Hussey, English Country Houses, Mid Georgian 1760-1800, London 1984, in situ, p. 100. Notes The first British female composer?to have her works published. The sitter was the daughter of Daniel Harvey, 'a Turkey merchant of very eminent loyaltie, prudence, integritie and generositie', and his wife Elizabeth Kynnersley. Her uncle was William Harvey, the celebrated anatomist and physician who discovered the circulation of blood. In the 1640s she studied at Mrs Salmon’s school in Hackney, a hotbed of female education at the time and a notable breeding ground for blue-stockings, including her close friend and fellow pupil Katherine Fowler (Mrs Philips), who became an accomplished poet known as ‘The Matchless Orinda’. On 5th April 1648 she married Sir Edward Dering, 2nd Bt. of Surrenden-Dering in Kent, son of the antiquary Sir Edward Dering and his wife Anne Ashburnham. In 1649 Mary began her studies with the great musician Henry Lawes who had known her father-in-law. Lawes was the most famous composer of his day, the link between Dowland and Purcell. Mary flourished under his tutelage, and when Lawes published his Second Book of Ayres and Dialogues in 1655 he dedicated it to Mary, commenting that 'those Songs which fill this Book have receiv’d much lustre by your excellent performance of them’. Lawes added that three of the 'ayres' were 'of your own Composition'. The words for all three of his wife’s 'ayres' were written by her husband Edward Dering, who was a talented poet. He and Mary were both prominent among Katherine Philips’ 'society of friendship', which she set up to include her closest friends, giving many of them a pet name - Dering being 'Silvander'. It was very rare in the?17th century for amateur composers to allow their names to be published, and Mary was the first woman to let her name appear so. Consequently, she is the first documented female composer in British history. Mary and her husband had seventeen children, of whom ten survived into adulthood. Their daughter Mary married Sir Thomas Knatchbull, 3rd Bt. The present painting is a rare example of the work of Thomas Hawker, one of Sir Peter Lely’s chief studio assistants who took over both his house and studio between 1683 and 1685, following Lely's death. He was later patronised by the Duke of Chandos. Painted in 1683, this is one of only three known portraits of Lady Dering. The other two are a portrait by Lely of 1651 at Parham House, Sussex,1 and an untraced portrait of 1641 by Cornelis de Neve. 1 https://www.oxforddnb.com/view/10.1093/ref:odnb/9780198614128.001.0001/odnb-9780198614128-e-1012795


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