A finely and very rare Chinese blue and white porcelain bird Feeder box, six-character XUANDE blue mark on top. According to the material and artistic style, it was probably manufactured Period, it is exceedingly beautiful and has a high culture & art appreciation and collection value. Size: 4.8cm x 9cm x 7cm. 明宣德款青花蟾形五毒鸟食罐: 珍贵 资料显示,宣德皇帝喜爱养鸟,鹦鹉,画眉,鸽子都是他喜爱的品种。五毒鸟食罐为模制,蟾蜍形,中空,口沿盘一毒蛇,蝎子、蜈蚣、蜥蜴等毒物贴于外壁,腹底部有三趾。以青料在罐身点绘出蟾蜍身上的小疣,口沿留白处书青花“大明宣德年制” 六字横款。
Very good condition. Age discolored, natural inclusions.状况报告:状况良好,年久变色,有自然夹杂物。