A beautiful and rare porcelain jar with classical blue and white glaze, depicting with the vivid painted young boy,young man and young women, and has halls, pavilio, corridors and bridges everywhere in a landscaping patterns. Marked as "Cheng-Hua(1465-1487)" on the back. Dimensions:H:10.8cm,W:11.7cm Date:Ming Cheng-Hua Period 明代 大明成化年製款 青花人物图纹小罐: 成化年(1465年 - 1487年)是中国明代皇帝明宪宗的年号。明朝使用成化这个年号一共23年。这个时代生产的瓷器非常贵重,古玩界历来有“明看成化,清看雍正”的说法。 成化青花瓷由于把“苏泥麻”青料改用“平等青”(又称“坡塘青”),颜色从永乐、宣德的浓艳变得淡雅,其纹饰的美术图案题材广泛,鸳鸯莲池,鱼跃水草,云龙麒麟,戏婴高士,无所不包,在图案装饰手法上,笔划精丽,花纹工细,恬静雅致。 此罐虽属民窑器,亦属难能可贵!
Good condition. Age discolored, natural inclusions. Take all pictures at daylight source. 状况报告:状况良好,年久变色,有自然夹杂物。所有拍摄是在自然光源下