SHANG AND ZHOU PERIOD A CARVED JADE OF A GOOSE L 5.3 cm. (2 in.)It is exceedingly beautiful and it has a high appreciation and collection value. 参考拍卖: Reference: A similar jade carving of goose, illustrated in Chinese Jade Collection Vol.2, Shang and Western Zhou period, 1993, p. 73, pl. 94. 商周 圓雕玉雁 參考:與此拍品相似形製的玉鵝,載於1993年出版,中國玉器全集編輯委員會編《中國玉器全集. 第2冊, 商.西周 》頁73, 圖94
Very good condition. Age discolored, natural inclusions. Take all pictures at daylight source. 状况报告:状况良好,年久变色,有自然夹杂物。所有拍摄是在自然光源下