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Chinese Painting of Girl on Horse by Huang Zhou
美国 北京时间
2022年03月18日 开拍
拍品描述 翻译
A Chinese watercolor and ink painting and a calligraphy in ink on gold-flecked paper by Huang Zhou. The painting depicts a woman riding a swift horse, and it has a signature and three seals. The calligraphy features two archaic characters, and it has an inscription with two seals. Both pieces are mounted onto the same silk backing. Dimensions are: the larger painting measures 22 inches tall X 27 inches wide, 55.9 cm X 68.6 cm. All measurements are approximate. Condition: The calligraphy has very minor creasing. The painting has spotting and creasing. A reminder that all lots are sold as-is. We have sought to record the changes in the condition of this piece after its initial manufacture as diligently as possible; however, as stated in our terms, condition reports are statements of opinion and not representations or warranties. Oakridge Auction Gallery bears no responsibility for any error or omission. Provenance: From a Southern California collector. The lot comes with a tag from Christie's September 13, 2016 sale, where it was offered as lot 29. Notes: Huang Zhou (1925-1997) was born in Lixian County, Hebei Province, and apprenticed in his adolescence to artists Han Leran and Zhao Wangyun. Masterpieces of Huang represent innovative achievements in contemporary Chinese painting. His writings include Huang Zhou's Views on Art and Huang Zhou's Theories on Calligraphy and Painting. Not only was Huang an artist of the people, he was also a social activist who made outstanding contributions to the preservation and promotion of national art and to the advancement of public art education. He co-founded the Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Painting with famous painters Li Keran, Cai Ruohong, and Hua Junwu and presided over the establishment of the Yan Huang Art Museum. His artistic practice and theory have exerted a significant influence on the development of contemporary art.The painting depicts a woman riding a horse. Huang Zhou was known for painting figures in motion, particularly animals and people from indigenous groups in northern China. This woman wears a long red sash around her head and a green tie around her waist, which stream behind her as she grips the neck of the racing horse. The bright colors stand out strongly against the muted tones of the horse, while also bringing attention to the similar colors in the rider's flushed cheeks and red smile, to her excitement in the rush of the race. Broad brush strokes coalesce into the shape of the horse, the lines wildly moving like the animal itself. The tail end of a second horse bounds past the rider, positioned between her and the viewer. This perspective helps draw the viewer into the scene, as though they are a nearby spectator to the ride or even another rider themself. It is a technique that Huang Zhou often used, bringing the viewer into the action of the painting, to amplify its motion and engagement. It is a handsome painting that is accompanied by a superb calligraphy of archaic characters, together making a notable addition to any collection of contemporary Chinese art. 設色紙本 立軸 款識:黃胄 鈐印:梁黃胄印(白) 詩堂:精微乙酉立冬日擬甲文題胄翁所作 繩齋於粵 鈐印:鞠稚儒(朱、白) 簽條:梁黃胄春牧圖 黃胄(1925年3月—1997年4月23號)男,字映齋,長安畫派代表人物。因其父四十多歲方得此子,取乳名「老傻」,以求平安。「黃胄」是初中時自己起的筆名,以後一直沿用此名。曾用名梁葉子、苗迪。文革中作品曾題名梁蓬、梁泉。 鞠稚儒,1972年出生於吉林,字在庠,號繩齋,盱堂。又號印蟲,鐵篆頭陀,梅林外史。別署匠石山房,磨兜鞬館,盛心園,廩古室,菴摩洛迦花館,一千片二千石三千金之齋。師承劉乃中先生,又得高式熊、江成之、徐家植、王貴忱諸先生指點,精研書畫、篆刻、詩賦、文辭、考據、題跋、鑒賞。書法精研四體,篆刻古艷雍容。現為西泠印社社員、中國書法家協會篆刻委員會委員、中國藝術研究院中國篆刻院副研究員、深圳市書法家協會理事、深圳印社社長。 黃胄從20世紀80年代初開始先後為釣魚台、中南海、人民大會堂等處作畫二百余幅,這些鮮活而極具時代性的作品代表了黃胄畫作的典型風格。畫面上,兩匹灑脫不羈的黑色駿馬在寬闊的草原上迎風奔馳著,一位紅衣少女騎馬追逐,畫家以奔放、嫻熟的筆觸,鮮明亮麗的色彩,虛實相間的處理塑造了一位英姿颯爽的草原少女形象。畫面中跑在前面的駿馬只描繪了半截身軀,後面紅衣少女騎著馬在追趕著,整體層次分明,使整個畫面都靈動起來,仿佛聽到了耳邊呼嘯而過的風聲。畫面通過紅與黑色彩對比,粗筆描繪的黑馬與畫法較為精細的少女的對比,使視覺焦點集中到少女身上。整幅奔放、生動、活潑、自然,且極富震撼力,既反映了草原人的豪邁與歡快,亦為畫家自身豪放性格的體現,是黃胄眾多作品中的典型佳作。Similar paintings by Huang Zhou were sold by Christie's Hong Kong on November 24, 2014, as lot 1744 and by Sotheby's Hong Kong on April 3, 2017, as lot 1360. 相似作品可參閱蘇富比香港2017年04月拍賣,編號1360;佳士得香港2014年11月拍賣,編號1744。 High resolution photos can be found here. https://oag.smugmug.com/March-Asian-Paintings-2022


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拍品估价:6,000 - 10,000 美元 起拍价格:4,500 美元  买家佣金: 28.00% + VAT 服务费:本专场服务费按成交价(含佣金)的1.5%收取,最低200元


Oakridge Auction Gallery
地址: 44675 Cape Court, #171
电话: 1 (703) 291-1010
邮编: 20147


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