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Framed Painting by Zhang Daqian Given to Yuwei
美国 北京时间
2022年03月18日 开拍
拍品描述 翻译
A Chinese watercolor and ink painting on paper of white flowers on branches by Zhang Daqian and given to Yuwei. The painting has an inscription and four seals, and it is matted and framed. Dimensions are: 12 inches tall X 16 inches wide, 30.5 cm X 40.6 cm, while the frame measures 18 1/2 inches tall X 22 inches wide, 47 cm X 55.9 cm. All measurements are approximate. Condition: There is one area of repair to the lower left corner. A reminder that all lots are sold as-is. We have sought to record the changes in the condition of this piece after its initial manufacture as diligently as possible; however, as stated in our terms, condition reports are statements of opinion and not representations or warranties. Oakridge Auction Gallery bears no responsibility for any error or omission. Provenance: From the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Choi. Mrs. Choi, better known for her pen name "Yan Qing," is a well-known novelist in Taiwan who has published dozens of best-selling romantic novels. Her novels were very popular from the 1960s to the 1990s both in mainland China and Taiwan, and some of the novels have since been made into successful movies and TV series. Notes: Zhang Daqian (May 10, 1899 - April 2, 1983) is the quintessential Chinese painter. His creations are "inclusive of the strengths of the public body and the richness of the two schools of the north and the south", integrating literati painting, writer painting, court painting and folk art. After middle age, he lived overseas and created a new artistic style by combining painting style with craftsmanship and writing.In this painting, broken branches and flowers are painted in a freehand brush, with a regular layout and elegant colors, which is especially fresh and elegant in the wild and free style of Daqian. In this painting method, the branches are represented with lines, soft and firm, the leaves are painted with watercolors, and the ink is colorful and varied, and the colors are fresh and lively, which is naturally interesting. The boneless painting method is not to outline with ink, but to paint directly with color. Flowers without bones are different from the meticulous brushwork method of filling in skeletal outlines. These flowers are beautiful, and they are completely expressed in color, so that there is more free expression space. Seeking simplicity in elegance, and re-chasing the interest of literati paintings, this painting is one of the mature works of Daqian in his middle and late period. Although it is a freehand work, the shape is accurate, the size of the flowers is dense yet loose, the yin and yang of the branches and leaves are perfectly expressed, showing Zhang Daqian's solid modeling ability and skilled brush and ink skills. This piece of work is especially delicate in his small freehand style. The colors are light and elegant. The overall layout is simple and neat, but not empty and monotonous. It is a small but priceless piece worthy of a boutique collection. 款識:六十六年二月六日寫似玉薇女士清玩,大千居士爰 鈐印:張爰之印(白),大千居士(朱) 丁巳(朱) 己亥 己巳 戊寅 辛酉(白) 張大千(1899年5月10日—1983年4月2日),原名正權,後改名爰,字季爰,號大千,別號大千居士、下裏港人,齋名大風堂。四川內江人,祖籍廣東省番禺。 白玉薇,京劇旦角。與李玉茹、侯玉蘭、李玉芝並稱為中華戲校的「四塊玉」。 1949年以後她在台灣各劇團教戲,台灣的京劇女演員幾乎都是她的學生。後來她定居在美國加州。 張大千是全能型畫家,其創作達「包眾體之長,兼南北二宗之富麗」,集文人畫、作家畫、宮廷畫和民間藝術為一體。於中國畫人物、山水、花鳥、魚蟲、走獸,工筆、無所不能,無一不精。中年後旅居海外,畫風工寫結合,開創了新的藝術風格。 本件畫面以意筆繪折枝花卉,布局規整,設色淡雅,於大千恣肆狂逸的畫風中尤顯清新雅致。畫法上,以線勾勒枝幹,柔中蘊剛,以色描畫點葉,用墨華滋多變,敷色清新鮮活,自然成趣。沒骨畫法是不以墨筆勾勒,僅用顏色點戳,謂沒骨法。沒骨花卉一格,不同於勾線染色的工筆筆法,花卉以清妍艷麗為主,完全用顏色去表現,從而有更加自由的表現空間。大千花鳥早年即已寫意為主,受石濤、八大等逸筆劃風影響較大,中年時期力追宋人,工整謹嚴,設色艷麗,至晚年則多寫意之作,以意驅筆,於優雅中求清逸,重追文人畫之意趣。此畫作是大千中晚期時候的成熟作品之一,雖為寫意之作,但造型準確,花朵之大小疏密,枝葉的陰陽向背,信筆拈來,展現出張大千紮實的造型能力和嫻熟的筆墨技巧。本件作品勾花點葉,小寫意中尤見精致,設色淡雅清麗,整體布局簡潔利落有不空疏單調,值得收藏的小精品。 The National Museum of History in Taipei houses a similar painting by Zhang Daqian under accession number 75-03576. Similar examples have been previously sold by Sotheby's Hong Kong in their April 4, 2013 sale as lot 1316 and in their October 6, 2019 sale as lot 2863, as well as by China Guardian Auctions in their November 16, 2013 sale as lot 570. 參閱台北國立歷史博物館館藏,編號75-03576。中國嘉德拍賣2013年11月秋拍,編號0570;蘇富比香港2019年10月拍賣,編號2863;蘇富比香港2013年4月拍賣,編號1316。 High resolution photos can be found here. https://oag.smugmug.com/March-Asian-Paintings-2022


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拍品估价:15,000 - 20,000 美元 起拍价格:9,000 美元  买家佣金: 28.00% + VAT


Oakridge Auction Gallery
地址: 44675 Cape Court, #171
邮编: 20147


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