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AUGSBURG, Allemagne du SudDébut XVIIe siècle
法国 北京时间
2022年09月28日 开拍 / 2022年09月26日 截止委托
拍品描述 翻译
Table clock called "Türmchenuhr
In copper and chased gilt bronze in the form of a tabernacle.
The main dial with indication in Roman numerals, specifying the quarters and minutes in Arabic numerals, the indication of the month and the date, an opening for the phases of the moon, the center decorated with geometric patterns with a single hand.
The movement included in a rectangular case surmounted by a dome with four terraces concealing two stamps, arcades and pinnacles formed by baluster pillars, the case entirely engraved with a symmetrical decoration of lions masks and leather cut out on dotted background, the sides finely engraved with the Allegories of the three theological virtues.
Removable sides. The left side with the allegory of the Faith surmounting a tondo engraved with the profile of a woman "Elena". Unidentified mark "NA" (?) inscribed in a circle repeated on two sides.
Resting on a base in doucine with embossed and chiseled flowers, screwed on a base in ebony and ebony veneer, with doucine finished by four lions lying in gilded bronze.
Mechanical movement with key winding, escapement with meeting wheel, primitive balance, visible wheels and barrel for the hours and the striking mechanism, several key openings to arm the various mechanisms, bell ringing.
(Wear, small accidents, movement restored)
Total height : 42 cm
Width of base : 27 cm
AUGSBURG, Southern Germany
Early 17th century "Türmchenuhr" table clock
The "Türmchenuhr", or tabernacle clock, is probably the most emblematic form employed during the Renaissance. Magnificent timepieces were already being produced in the clock-making centers of Nuremberg and Augsburg and other cities like Strasbourg and Ulm. By the end of the Renaissance, Augsburg was ope's leading supplier.
From this time, we know of a master clockmaker in Augsburg, Samuel Hauck (or Haugg), admitted as master on 9 September 1612, who made clocks in various forms (crucifixes, towers, etc.) with astronomical and calendar complications as well as striking mechanisms - as with this example, which is very rare for this period. It is similar to a model by this clockmaker that appeared as lot 36 in the sale of the Robert de Balkany collections on 20 September 2016, sold at Sotheby's Paris.
The "Türmchenuhr" type clock is probably the most emblematic form of Renaissance clocks.
In the clock-making centers of Nuremberg and Augsburg, but also in other cities such as Strasbourg and Ulm, magnificent clocks were already being produced. At the end of the
Renaissance, Augsburg was the most important supplier in ope.
From this period, we know of a master clockmaker in Augsburg, Samuel Hauck (or Haugg), who was awarded the title of master on September 9, 1612. He made clocks of various shapes (crucifix, tower...) using astronomical and calendar complications and also a striking mechanism, like our rare example for this period.
Our example is close to an example signed by this clockmaker that appeared in the sale of the Robert de Balkany collections, lot 36, September 20, 2016, Sotheby's Paris.


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20 50 80


拍品估价:15,000 - 20,000 欧元 起拍价格:15,000 欧元  买家佣金:
落槌价 佣金比率
0 - 150,000 30.00% + VAT
150,000 - 以上 27.60% + VAT


地址: 164 bis, avenue Charles-De-Gaulle
电话: 01 47 45 55 55
邮编: 92200


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