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BOUQUET, Londini (Londres)Milieu XVIIe siècle
法国 北京时间
2022年09月28日 开拍 / 2022年09月26日 截止委托
拍品描述 翻译
Puritan" single hand watch with double protective case
Oval case on hinge for the watch, opening on the back for the winding key, bears an inscription in engraved letters "John Milton", the protective case with two notches for fixing the watch.
Silvered dial with a single hand with Roman numerals for the indication of the hours, minute track, dots in excrescence for each hour, facilitating tactile reading.
Mechanical movement with key winding, escapement with meeting wheel, spiral pre-balance, pierced and chiseled cock, spindle and casing, setting disc, signed on the plate "Bouquet Londini".
Dim. 38,5 x 48,5 mm (watch)
Dim. 43 x 53 mm (protective case)
BOUQUET, in Londini (London)
Mid-17th century "Puritan" single hand watch with double protective case Bouquet, London. A renowned watchmaker in the mid-17th century who died in 1665, he appears in all the reference works such as the dictionary Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World, p. 35, by G.H. Baillie, N.A.G. Press Ltd, the FJ Britten dictionary, Old Clocks and their Makers, p. 707, and the Dictionnaire des Horlogers Français, p. 72.
This watch is very interesting since we can presume its origin, considering the objective elements found on this very nice example of a "Puritan" watch. If one observes on the back the engraving "John Milton", one can estimate that it probably belonged to the English poet, essayist, pamphleteer and civil servant,
John Milton (1608 - 1674), famous for having written the "Paradise Lost".
He attended the prestigious institutions of St. Paul's in London and Christ College in Cambridge before becoming Secretary of State for Foreign Languages after the Puritan victory of the
Commonwealth of England from 1649 to 1660, when England and Wales were governed as a "quasi-republic" after the civil war, trial and execution of King Charles I.
All these events coincide with the execution date of this mid-seventeenth century watch, but more importantly, it is the spikes on the dial that can testify to the provenance since it is known that John Milton lost his eyesight inexorably from the age of 40 onwards, and then he became completely blind.
Our watch was probably ordered from the watchmaker Bouquet in London, knowing that his illustrious contemporary, Cromwell, also had a "Puritan" watch signed by the famous English watchmaker Edward East. The latter, along with Bouquet, was one of the founding members of the Clockmakers Company of London in 1632, the oldest clockmaking corporation in the world.
Bouquet, London. A celebrated watchmaker in the mid-17th century, he died in 1665 and is listed in every reference work, like the dictionary Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World, p. 35, by G.H. Baillie, N.A.G. Press Ltd, the FJ Britten dictionary, Old Clocks and their Makers, p. 707, and Le Dictionnaire des Horlogers Français, p. 72.
This watch is very interesting as its origin can be guessed, given the objective elements present on this very fine example of a "Puritan" watch.
The name "John Milton" engraved on the back implies that it belonged to the famous English poet, essayist, pamphleteer and civil servant John Milton (1608 - 1674), who wrote the celebrated "Paradise Lost".
He attended the prestigious St Paul's School in London and Christ's College, Cambridge before becoming Secretary for Foreign Tongues after the puritan victory of the Commonwealth Council of State, which ruled from 1649 to 1660. At this time, England and Wales were governed as a 'quasi republic' after the civil war and the trial and execution of King Charles I.
All these events coincide with the production date of this mid-17th century watch - but more importantly, the spikes on the dial provide evidence for this provenance, as we know that Milton began to lose his sight at the age of 40, and finally became completely blind.
He probably commissioned this watch from the watchmaker Bouquet in London, given that his illustrious contemporary, Cromwell, also had a "Puritan" watch made by the famous English watchmaker Edward East. The latter, with Bouquet, was one of the founding members of the Clockmakers Company of London: the world's oldest watchmaking corporation, created in 1632.


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20 50 80


拍品估价:10,000 - 15,000 欧元 起拍价格:10,000 欧元  买家佣金:
落槌价 佣金比率
0 - 150,000 30.00% + VAT
150,000 - 以上 27.60% + VAT


地址: 164 bis, avenue Charles-De-Gaulle
电话: 01 47 45 55 55
邮编: 92200


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