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法国 北京时间
2022年09月28日 开拍 / 2022年09月26日 截止委托
拍品描述 翻译
Astronomical gold metal oval watch made especially for the Ottoman marketOval shaped case, rich decoration of foliage and flowers on the cover as well as on the middle and back with sliding opening for the key, a ring on the pendant.Dial richly decorated with foliage and flower motifs, astronomical indications in a window and on a sub-dial for the date, opening for the phases of the moon, off-center hour indications, all in Turkish characters and numerals.Mechanical movement with key winding, verge escapement, spiral pre-balance, spindle and hose (broken), the plate richly decorated with foliage, a stylized cockerel in the form of "Ottoman Minaret", signature of the watchmaker in Turkish characters.(Broken hose)Height. 80 mmWidth. 50 mmGross weight. 193.6 grPROVENANCE Sale by Maître Étienne Ader, Collection Jubinal de Saint-Albin, Hôtel Drouot, February 18, 1960.SWISS WORK Mid-17th centuryOval gilt metal astronomical watchThis watch is a perfect illustration of the richness and complexity of watches made for the Ottoman market in the mid-17th century.As the Habsburg ambassador based in Constantinople wrote in 1555: "There is no city more magnificent or better suited to trade than Constantinople"Ogier Ghiselin de BusbecqIf trade was thriving at the time, it was through the French embassy that the first Swiss timepieces made their appearance on the Ottoman market. The Swiss having obtained special privileges following the treaty signed by Francis I in Fribourg in 1516, they settled very quickly to make the art of watchmaking prosper.The first colony of Geneva watchmakers settled in Galata, the foreigners' quarter. At the end of the 17th century, there were already nearly a hundred members of the watchmakers' guild on the spot. Isaac Rousseau, a specialist in repairs, was appointed Timekeeper at the Topkapi Palace.Rousseau, more commonly known as the "Watchmaker of the Seraglio", was responsible for the assembly of the timepieces that came from the city ofGeneva or Basel. Some of the most sought-after watches were equipped with Western and Muslim time indications, in theory the setting had to be done at sunset.Our example illustrates perfectly the decorative richness of the cases but also the extreme complexity of the watch movements with astronomical indications. Our watch has remained in the hands of the same family since its acquisition at the famous sale of the Jubinal de Saint-Albin collection.This watch brilliantly illustrates the richness and complexity of watches made for the Ottoman market in the mid-17th century. As the Habsburg ambassador based in Constantinople, OgierGhiselin de Busbecq, wrote in 1555: "There is no city more magnificent or better suited to trade than Constantinople."While trade was flourishing at the time, it was through the French embassy that the first Swiss timepieces appeared on the Ottoman market.The Swiss had obtained special privileges following the treaty signed by François I in Fribourg in 1516, and they established themselves very quickly, to promote the art of watchmaking. The first colony of Geneva watchmakers settled inGalata, the foreigners' quarter. By the end of the 17th century, there were already nearly a hundred members of the watchmakers' guild on site. IsaacRousseau, a specialist in repairs, was appointedClock Regulator at the Topkapi Palace.Rousseau, often called the "Seraglio Watchmaker", was in charge of assembling the timepieces that came from Geneva and Basel. Some of the most sought-after watches were those with Western andMuslim time indications, which were theoretically set at sunset.The one here illustrates both the decorative magnificence of the cases and the extreme complexity of watch movements with astronomical indications.This watch has remained in the same family since it was bought at the famous sale of the Jubinal de Saint-Albin collection.


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拍品估价:15,000 - 25,000 欧元 起拍价格:15,000 欧元  买家佣金:
落槌价 佣金比率
0 - 150,000 30.00% + VAT
150,000 - 以上 27.60% + VAT


地址: 164 bis, avenue Charles-De-Gaulle
电话: 01 47 45 55 55
邮编: 92200


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