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ANONYMEFin du XVIIIe siècle
法国 北京时间
2022年09月28日 开拍 / 2022年09月26日 截止委托
拍品描述 翻译
Double-sided silver watch with Gregorian and Republican calendar displaySilver hinged case, fluted middle, open on double-sided glass, warranty mark on the pendant.Front dial, white enamel with Arabic numerals and stylized hands, beaded minute track, Gregorian calendar with advance / delay indication, auxiliary dials for the indication of the days of the week, date, month.Back dial, white enamel with single hand for the decimal hours, pearled minute scale 100 minutes, auxiliary dials for the 30-day calendar, days of the week and months of the revolutionary calendar, triple indication "DECADI 1, 2 and 3".Movement with key winding, verge escapement, spiral balance, fusee and chain, hole for key winding on the front dial.(Cracks and missing)Diam. 53 mmGross weight. 108.6 grANONYMOUS Late 18th centuryDouble-sided silver watchThese two watches, lots 65 and 66, are part of the rare pieces made under theFrench Revolution and having adopted the new calendar system called "Republican". The calendar is put into effect with the year I from 1792 and then the following year starts with the year II on September 22 of the year 1793.This new calendar system in reaction to the one established by Pope Gregory XIII on October 15, 1582, starts every September 21 and ends on September 22 of the following year. The year is divided into 12 months of 30 equal days each.Each month is divided into three equal parts of 10 days each which are called first, second and third decade. The names of the days are Primi, Duodi, Tridi, Quatardi, Quintidi, Sextidi,Septidi, Octidi, Nonindi, Decadi.The names of the months are divided by the course of the seasons with Autumn (Vendémiaire, Brumaire,Frimaire), Winter (Nivôse, Pluviôse, Ventôse),Spring (Germinal, Floréal, Prairial) and Summer (Messidor, Thermidor, Fructidor).These two revolutionary watches use the Republican calendar officially in force in France until 1806 and then it will finally cease to exist but remains in the memories as a parenthesis in the history of time at the end of the Enlightenment.These two watches, lots 65 & 66, are some of the very few pieces made during the FrenchRevolution that adopted the new "Republican" calendar system. The calendar was introduced with Year I in 1792 the following year started withYear II on 22 September 1793.This new calendar system, devised in reaction to the one established by Pope Gregory XIII on 15 October 1582, began on 21 September and ended on 22 September the following year.The year was divided into 12 months, each with 30 equal days.Each month was divided into three equal parts of 10 days: the first, second and third decades.The names of the days were Primi, Duodi, Tridi,Quatardi, Quintidi, Sextidi, Septidi, Octidi, Nonindi and Decadi.The names of the months were determined by the course of the seasons, with Autumn (Vendémiaire,Brumaire, Frimaire), Winter (Nivôse, Pluviôse,Ventôse), Spring (Germinal, Floréal, Prairial) andSummer (Messidor, Thermidor, Fructidor).These two revolutionary watches use theRepublican calendar officially employed in France until 1806. After that it ceased to exist, but is remembered as an interlude in the history of time at the end of the Age of Enlightenment.


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20 50 80


拍品估价:1,000 - 2,000 欧元 起拍价格:1,000 欧元  买家佣金:
落槌价 佣金比率
0 - 150,000 30.00% + VAT
150,000 - 以上 27.60% + VAT


地址: 164 bis, avenue Charles-De-Gaulle
电话: 01 47 45 55 55
邮编: 92200


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