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黄花梨南官帽椅 Yoke-back design in the nanguanmao style, with s-curved rectangular splat, soft cane seat, and the legs framed by a beaded apron and long flange brackets. One splat inscribed with Tang dynastypoem Zai Yu Yong Chan Bing Xu 在獄詠蟬·並序 by Luo Binwang 駱冰王. The other splat with Tang dynasty poem Ci Bei Gu Shan Xia 次北固山下 by Wang Wan 王灣. Qing dynasty circa 19th C. Size: 116 x 60 x 46cm (45 1/2 x 23 1/2 x 18 in.) Provenance: Acquired from Martin Fung, Hong Kong,2001, with original documents.