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Two rubbings of the imperial steles, Qing dynasty | 舊拓 乾隆石經碑拓本及開成石經碑拓本
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04月30日 下午4点30分 开拍 / 04月28日 下午3点 截止委托
拍品描述 翻译
Lot Details Description Two rubbings of the imperial steles Qing dynasty ink rubbed on paper, comprising an album of forty-four leaves from Qianlong Shijing and an album of forty-two leaves from Kaicheng Shijing (2) Qianlong Shijing : 30 x 18.4 cm Kaicheng Shijing : 24.6 x 14.9 cm (leave) __________________________________________________________________________ Deux estampages de stèles impériales, dynastie Qing encre estampée sur papier, dont un album de quarante-quatre feuilles provenant de la stèle Qianlong Shijing et l'autre de quarante-deux feuilles provenant probablement de la stèle Kaicheng shijing. __________________________________________________________________________ 舊拓 乾隆石經碑拓本及開成石經碑拓本 水墨紙本 四十四開冊及四十二開冊 Condition report Provenance Collection of Father émile Ducarme (1884 - 1955). __________________________________________________________________________ 杜嘉梅神父(1884-1955)收藏 Catalogue note The history of carving stone stelae with canonical texts can be traced as far back as the Eastern Han dynasty with the creation of the Xiping shijing ?(‘Xiping Stone Classics’). Commissioned by Emperor Ling of Han in 175 AD, these 46 stelae recorded the seven Confucian Classics recognised at the time. Although the number of texts considered worthy of recording on official stelae of this type would rise over the centuries, the logic behind these monuments remained the same: to immortalise the history and philosophy of China for all time.? The present lot contains two manifestations of this vision of immortality. The first rubbing in this lot was taken from the postface of the Qianlong shijing (‘Qianlong Stone Classics’). Commissioned in 1791 and painstakingly carved over three years, these stelae, containing over six hundred and thirty thousand characters, were the Qianlong Emperor’s contribution to the history of ‘Stone Classics’ and are the most comprehensive and best preserved examples ever produced. The quality of the luscious gloss-black ink on this rubbing and technical ability required to produce and bind such a fine manuscript suggest that it was likely part of an early printing of the complete Qianlong shijing, very possibly produced on imperial orders.? Very few editions of this quality remain and they almost never appear on the market. For more information on all known extant collections of the Qianlong shijing, see Wang Linlin, Qianlong shijing tapian yanjiu / A Study on the Rubbings of Qianlong Stone Classics, Journal of Gugong Studies, 2023, vol. 24. The second rubbing presented here was taken from another classic of the Confucian canon, namely the Chunqiu jingzhuan jijie [Combined Commentaries on the Spring and Autumn Period]. This Western Jin period (265-316 AD) text combines the two earlier classics of the Chunqiu (‘Spring and Autumn Annals’) and Zuozhuan (‘Commentary of Zuo’) into one comprehensive history of the ancient State of Lu. The present extract, for example, describes key events from the 26th year of the reign of Duke Xiang. Although the text of the Chunqiu jingzhuan jijie also features on the Qianlong shijing stelae, the energetic style of the calligraphy on this rubbing indicates it was taken from a far earlier source: the Kaicheng shijing (‘Kaicheng Stone Classics’). Like Emperor Ling long before him and Qianlong long after, Emperor Wenzong of the Tang dynasty ordered the production of his own set of stone classics for his scholars to use. Named after the Kaicheng era (833-837) in which they were produced, these stelae are now held in the Stele Forest Museum, Xi’an. Although damage suffered in the Jiajing Great Earthquake of 1556 has rendered parts of the stele text illegible, this manuscript remains in remarkable condition and was likely produced earlier than other known more heavily damaged copies.? From antiquity to the present, the unbroken tradition of Chinese scholarship lives on in the transmission of classical texts. These rubbings, relics of this ancient scholarship, are living testaments to the vision and passion of the emperors who sought to preserve their wisdom. __________________________________________________________________________ 中國第一部石刻經書可追溯至東漢時期之《熹平石經》。東漢靈帝熹平四年(西元175年),奏准制定《易》、《書》、《魯詩》、《儀禮》、《春秋》、《公羊傳》及《論語》等七經,命工匠鐫刻於四十六個石碑。幾個世紀以來,儒家石碑經典不斷增加,其使命始終如一:讓中國的歷史和思想永垂不朽。 本拍品兩卷拓片正展現了精神不朽。第一卷拓片取自《乾隆石經》後序。此經亦稱《清石經》,開刻於清乾隆五十六(1791 年),歷時三年悉心雕刻,包含六十三萬多字,是迄今最全面、保存最完好的碑刻,為乾隆皇帝對儒家經典保存之貢獻。本拓片色澤烏黑均勻,拓工精緻細膩,極可能為奉旨而製之早期拓本,工藝如此精湛之拓本鮮少出現於市面。關於更多乾隆石經拓本研究,請參見王琳琳女士所著一文:《乾隆石經拓片研究》,《故宫學刊第二十四輯》,2023 年。 第二卷拓本來自另一部儒家重要經典《春秋經傳集解》,杜預集解本為最權威的解釋本。此部西晉時期(西元 265-316 年)的典籍將《春秋》和《左傳》結集為一部關於魯國的綜合歷史。本拓本錄描述一段襄公二十六年之重要史事。 乾隆石經碑中亦刻有《春秋經傳集解》。依據書法風格和排版,本拓片應來自於更早期的唐代《開成石經》。唐文宗承先啟後,瞻仰漢靈帝並影響清乾隆帝,下令刻製儒家十二部經典,供儒生研讀。石經於唐文宗開成年(833-837年) 年完工因此命名,現藏於西安碑林博物館。1556 年嘉靖大地震,《開成石經》不少石碑遭到毀損,導致部分碑文無法辨認。本拓本經文完整,有可能早於其他石碑已遭毀損之現存拓本。 從古至今,經典文獻使中國之傳統學術文化代代相傳,生生不息。拓片不僅是歷史的遺產,亦為歷代帝王對智慧傳承之見證。 Additional Notices & Disclaimers L’exportation de ce bien hors de France (y compris vers d’autres pays de l’Union Européenne), ainsi que son exportation hors de l’Union Européenne, peuvent-être subordonnées à l’obtention d’une ou plusieurs autorisation(s) d’exporter ou d’importer. 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