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清雍正 青花加彩纏枝花卉包袱小罐 Yongzheng period, Qing dynasty A small Chinese blue and white enamel-decorated jar
美国 北京时间
05月18日 晚上9点 开拍
拍品描述 翻译
拍品介绍:Featuring a bright yellow shawl-like wrapping which terminates in a tied bow to one side of the jar. The jar itself is decorated in blue and white scrolling lotus patterns. With four-character mark to underside. Sold with associated wooden stand.
尺寸:H: 3 1/8, W: 2, D: 1 3/4 in. (H: 7.94, W: 5.08, D: 4.45 cm. (overall))
Provenance:From Mr. Chang, a Chinese-American antiques dealer with 60 years of experience in the field. Mr. Chang began his journey into the world of antiques under the guidance of his mentors in the early 1960s. During this period, Mr. Chang acquired the necessary skills to identify, appreciate, and manage antiques, while gaining a deeper understanding of Chinese culture. Over the years, Mr. Chang has traveled across the United States, searching for unique and precious antique collections. As a multicultural country, the United States has a market for antiques and artworks from around the world. This unique confluence of opportunities, his renowned appreciation for art, and his reputation allowed Mr. Chang to gradually establish his own network of antique collectors throughout the U.S. Behind each antique lies a unique story of the past, and Mr. Chang enjoys experiencing the weight of history and the charm of culture through these objects. As a veteran in the antique industry, Mr. Chang also hopes to pass on these precious cultural relics to the next generation, allowing more people to understand and appreciate valuable cultural heritages. Lot 334 to 348 and Lot 497 are from the same collector.
来源:來自從業達60年的美國華裔古董商張先生。早在60年代初,張先生在前輩們的引領和指導下,開始了古董的經營和收藏事業。張先生從前輩那裡學到了識別、鑒賞和經營古董的技巧,也因此對中國文化的深厚底蘊有了更深的理解。 美國作爲一個多元文化的國家,各種來自世界各地的古董藝術品都在這裡有着市場。張先生在美國不斷探索、學習,通過優秀的藝術鑒賞力和卓越的信譽,逐漸建立起自己的古董收藏圈子和網絡。 多年來,張先生在全美國各地奔波,尋找那些獨特、珍貴的古董藏品。每一件古董背後都有着它獨特的曆史和故事,張先生喜歡通過這些古董來感受曆史的厚重感和文化的魅力。作爲從業60年的古玩界前輩,張先生同時也希望將這些珍貴的文物傳承下去,讓更多的人能夠了解和欣賞到這些寶貴的文化遺産。Lot 334至348,Lot 497來自同一藏家
Condition:With crack extend from rim to body.
高清细图:https://oag.smugmug.com/158-Chinese-Ceramics-May">Click here for high resolution images.
中文长介绍:包袱瓶又叫佈袋瓶,"包袱"與"包福"諧音,寓意幸福吉祥。始燒於清朝康熙年間,在雍正,乾隆時期,包袱裝飾也是宮廷禦用器的特殊題材,其器形一般是在瓶身上飾一凸雕的包袱巾或者束帶。因其器形獨特,紋飾優美,寓意美好,因此成爲後世爭相仿製的精品。 本件拍品口沿及底部以青花繪雙圈,瓶身以青花纏枝花卉紋爲底,肩部爲粉彩繪製的花卉紋包袱巾,精美絶倫,底部書“雍正年製”青花四字篆書款。 雍正禦窯瓷器素以秀美端莊見長,縱觀全器俊雅秀逸,釉彩揉合完美,畫面和諧悅目,胎骨堅緻,勻淨瑩亮,小中見大,極顯皇家氣息,爲不可多得的宮廷雅器。縱觀各處館藏及曆年拍賣,相似作品甚爲稀少,其中蘇富比在08年拍賣中有一拍品與之相似度甚高,可資參考。
英文长介绍:The sachet-form vase is known as "Bao Fu" in Chinese, which is a homophone of "holding auspiciousness.” This shape was first produced during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, and during the Yongzheng and Qianlong periods, the sachet-style decoration was also used on imperial wares. The sachet-shaped vase is generally decorated with a carved relief of a scarf or a tie encircling the body of the vase. Because of its unique design, beautiful decoration, and auspicious symbolism, vases in this form became a fine product that future generations strived to imitate. This miniature sachet-form vase has a double-ring design in blue and white around the rim and foot. The body of the vase is encircled in tangled blue and white flowers, and around the shoulder is a tied flower scarf finely painted in fencai. The bottom is inscribed with the blue and white four-character seal script mark meaning "Made in the Reign Yongzheng". Yongzheng-era imperial kiln porcelain is known for its beauty and dignity. This miniature vase perfectly illustrates this elegance and refinement, with exquisite glazing and pleasing colors. It is a fine display of Yongzheng craftsmanship.
英文参阅:See below reference for similar items: Sotheby's Hong Kong, October 2008, Lot 2598.


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拍品估价:3,000 - 4,500 美元 起拍价格:1,500 美元  买家佣金: 28.00%


Oakridge Auction Gallery
地址: 44675 Cape Court, #171
邮编: 20147


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