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清乾隆 銅胎琺瑯畫西洋人物煙碟(附木架)A Chinese painted enamel snuff dish Qianlong period, Qing dynasty Depicting a European woman pouring a cup of wine from a ewer. She stands in a lush field filled with blue and pink flowers, which match the colors of her dress. Surrounding her is the golden-toned lip of the metal dish, which highlights the warmth of the coloring. With four-character mark to underside. Sold with one associated wooden stand.
美国 北京时间
07月28日 晚上9点 开拍
拍品描述 翻译
尺寸: H: 1/8, Dia: 2 in. (H: 0.32, Dia: 5.08 cm. (dish))
Provenance:From the Joan & Ted Dorf Collection in Maryland. Accumulated over 50 years. Lots 623 to 642 are from the same collector.
来源:馬裏蘭州 Joan & Ted Dorf伉儷收藏,始於50年前;Lot 623至642來自同一藏家
Condition:With minor use wear, overall good condition.
高清細圖鏈接: https://oag.smugmug.com/159-July-Snuff-Bottle/n-R2vVWw
中文长介绍:鼻煙爲西洋舶來品,而鼻煙壺卻是中國人的創造。煙碟這一産物也隨着鼻煙壺油然而生,方寸之間,匠心之天地。煙碟,指專門放置鼻煙的碟。其出現主要有兩個原因:一是隨着社會文明程度的提高,人們開始覺得用鼻子直接吸聞,或是將鼻煙先抖落在掌心或指甲上吸食,略有不雅,所以需要煙碟這麼個中間載體;二是當鼻煙壺逐步變成人們顯富的一種手段的時候,需要有附加的精緻的煙碟來點綴。從現存實物來看,煙碟的工藝及製作也很考究,不但取材多樣,形狀也十分豐富。因其小巧精緻,極易流失,故留存至今的傳世品並不多見。故宮博物院館藏藏品 之“乾隆款畫琺瑯開光嬰戲圖鼻煙壺”(編號-故00116575)畫風及人物描繪上與本品較爲相近,可資參考。 本品畫面中心繪以西洋女子左手執一帶盃托盤,右手執壺正在倒水,女子表情謙和,藍天白雲之下,身處紅藍花叢之中,與其身穿之衣顏色相互輝映,畫面構圖雖簡尤精,生動活潑。碟口沿描金,背面整圈藍料回紋,圈足描金,底部書“乾隆年製”四字藍料楷書款。銅胎畫琺瑯乃乾隆朝之特色,乾隆皇帝好慕新異,宮廷內盛行西洋風。本品人物繪採用西洋焦點透視,體現了乾隆時期的獨特風格,描繪細膩精美,色澤明艷,畫面溫馨動人,是爲乾隆朝中西文化交流之特色産物也。
中文参阅:相似藏品可參閱:故宮博物院館藏,編號新00120825, 見圖一;編號故00116575,見圖二;佳士得拍賣2004年04月香港拍賣,編號837.
英文长介绍:Snuff, or smokeless tobacco, was an import from the West, but snuff bottles were a Chinese invention. The snuff dish, used to hold and display snuff, emerged alongside the snuff bottle, showcasing intricate craftsmanship within its small dimensions. The development of the snuff dish can be attributed to the social etiquette of the time period, where people found it unrefined to inhale snuff directly from the bottle or hand, and to the increasing desire to display wealth through the ownership of intricate accessories. The craftsmanship and production of snuff dishes was incredibly meticulous and utilized a wide variety of materials, shapes, and techniques. Due to their small and delicate nature, snuff dishes were easily lost, making surviving pieces quite rare. The Palace Museum’s collection includes the Qianlong Falangcai ‘Children at Play’ Snuff Bottle (ID: 故00116575), which bears a similar illustration to this piece and can serve as a reference. The central tondo of this dish features a Western woman holding a tray with a cup in her left hand and a pot in her right hand, pouring water. The woman’s expression is gentle, and she is surrounded by red and blue flowers under a blue sky filled with clouds, harmonizing with the colors of her attire. The composition, though simple, is exquisitely detailed and lively. The dish’s rim and foot ring are gilded. The verso features a full circle of blue patterns, while the base is inscribed with the blue and white four-character seal mark “Made in the Qianlong Period”. The painting on this piece employs Western perspective techniques, reflecting the unique style of the Qianlong period. Falangcai decoration on a copper body is a hallmark of the Qianlong era. Emperor Qianlong had a fondness for novel and exotic items, and Western styles were popular in his court. The detailed and exquisite depiction, vibrant colors, and warm scene make this piece a distinctive product of the cultural exchange between China and the West during the this era.
英文参阅:See below references for similar items: Palace Museum, No. 00120825 fig. 1, No. 00116575 fig. 2; Christie’s Hong Kong, April 2004, Lot 837.


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拍品估价:10,000 - 12,000 美元 起拍价格:5,000 美元  买家佣金: 28.00% 服务费:本专场服务费按成交价(含佣金)的1.5%收取,最低200元


Oakridge Auction Gallery
地址: 44675 Cape Court, #171
电话: 1 (703) 291-1010
邮编: 20147


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