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明白釉刻花花卉紋瓶 The porcelain vase has wide shoulder, tapering to smaller foot rim, carved on the exterior with flowers and vines between lappet bands, bottom unglazed. Height: 14 5/8 in (37.0 cm) 小口圓唇,短頸中部內斂,豐肩圓潤,至脛微收,為永樂流行的梅瓶式樣。器物紋樣均在胎上淺凸刻成,主題紋樣為折枝花卉紋,線條纖細古拙,器身施明釉,釉色晶瑩白潤,給人一種甜美的感覺,故有”甜白”之稱,工藝精湛,十分難得。