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路易十五世 大鏡子 帶證書 The large Louis XV mirror is of rectangular form with curved edges, the entire edge gilt with flowing pattern, top bears Rocaille Mannor pattern, reverse with a mark in roundel. Includes certificate from Royal Gallery. Height: 57 in (144.8 cm) Width: 35 in (88.9 cm) 鏡子邊框雕刻精細紋飾,層次分明,工藝繁瑣,細密邊框為木質,雕刻完成後再施以金漆,製作精緻,線條流暢,雍容華貴,金碧輝煌。|壯觀的鑲邊配上十五世紀皇室的弧形雕塑(Rocaille Mannor),使得此鏡有著吸引人的分量與氣派,金裡透紅襯顯出此鏡歷經冗長的歲月而漸退的黃金更可看出法國皇室變遷的歷史傷痕。然而華貴的造型及難得一見的雕塑使此鏡更享有皇室的價值與尊貴,是收藏家們所酷愛之作品。