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轉換期床組 兩張 帶證書 The two wooden bed frames each consists of four parts, decorated with gilt flowers and vines, the back board has Transitional Period design and workmanship. Includes certificate from Royal Gallery. Height: 46 in (116.8 cm) Length: 80 in (203.2 cm) Width: 41 in (104.1 cm) 此件床具製作精巧,每一根線條,每一片花紋,都是擁有數十年手工雕花經驗的師傅一刀一刀精心雕琢而成。線條優美,華貴優雅。|此轉換期床組有著美麗的木質表現,更具有典雅十五及十六世的雕刻裝飾風貌,床的外型像一艘舒適的搖籃,在床頭及床尾部分有著美麗的木紋對稱拼花,{米}型圖案的編排加上多種木材的色澤變化。使此床的外型及雅致又尊貴,簡單的幾何線條加上床前延伸的Rosette Motif 造型,使此床在沉靜中仍蘊藏著美感,床頭的線條猶如皇冠,而床腳亦有如權杖般的支撐著,充分的把皇室的尊貴氣派顯露無遺。