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雙龍戲珠鬥彩罐 The Doucai jardiniere is of bulbous form, depicts two flying dragons chasing after flaming sphere below scrolling patterns. Height: 2 7/8 in (7.5 cm) Diameter: 2 5/8 in (6.5 cm) Weight: 195.0g 鬥彩又稱逗彩,是釉下青花和釉上彩色相結合的一種瓷器裝飾手法,因其紋飾中釉下青花色與釉上彩色同時出現好似爭奇鬥豔而得名。撇口,短頸,豐肩,肩以下漸收斂,淺圈足,繪畫精細、神韻靈動、栩栩如生。