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海南黃花梨算盤 The Hainan Huanghuali wood carved abacus regains its rectangular design, with bronze pads on the corners and flattened round beads set in the center, retains natural wood color, grain, and patina. Length: 8 1/8 in (20.5 cm) Weight: 155.0g 典藏風華古語雲:“算盤一響,黃金萬兩。”作為古代中國理財算帳的必備工具,一直以來都被視為是財富地位的象徵,其意為招財進寶、財源廣進。算盤形狀方正意為“方行天下,至於海表。”猶如人的行事作風正直、儒雅嚴謹 。