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小葉紫檀鼻煙壺 The Zitan wood snuff bottle is of flattened ovoid form, relief carved on the surface with mythical beasts and dragons, retains natural wood color, grain, and patina. Height: 4 3/4 in (12.0 cm) Width: 2 7/8 in (7.0 cm) Weight: 110.0g 壺身繪雙龍戲珠,雙耳為獸首。檀,梵語是佈施的意思,因其木質堅硬,香氣芬芳永恆,色彩絢麗多變且百毒不侵,萬古不朽,又能避邪,故又稱聖檀。紫檀在各種硬木中質地最堅、份量最重。它不及黃花梨那樣華美,但靜穆沉古,是任何其它木材都不能比擬的。